It was a lovely quiet Saturday night, I used it to make a short animation video of this whole saga by using sprites shredded from the "Legacy of Goku III: Buu's Fury". The idea of this clip was to demonstrate power levels but since it won't be obtainable by Google, I'd put it here by text.

Here it goes:
Son Goku: 55,000,000
Son Goku's False Super Saiyan power: 450,000,000
Super Saiyan Goku: 2,750,000,000
Full Power Super Saiyan Goku: 3,250,000
Son Goku's Super Kaioken: 4,500,000,000
SSJ Goku's Instant Kamehameha: 5,800,000,000
Pikkon: 45,000,000
Pikkon's Burning Shot at Super Perfect Cell: 5,500,000,000
Pikkon' Hyper Tornado at the dead villains: 5,000,000,000
Pikkon (suppressed vs Olibu): 30,000,000
Pikkon without heavy clothes: 55,000,000
Pikkon's Thunder Flash at Super Saiyan Goku: 5,600,000,000 {used for three times, in each the power level is about the same but his stamina drops}
Pikkon's Hyper Tornado at Goku: 5,100,000,000
Olibu: 25,000,000
Mariakoh: 18,500,000
Torbie: 17,500,000
Giant who fought Pikkon: 14,000,000
Other World Fighter: 10,000,000
Winged Gorilla: 8,500,000
Arqua: 7,000,000
Arqua in water: 24,000,000
Tapkar: 5,000,000
Froug: 6,500,000
Froug's Inflation of the Body: 16,500,000
Chapuchai: 3,500,000
Chapuchai's cloning ability: 14,000,000 for the seven clones in total
Caterpy: 3,000,000
Caterpy in cacoon: grows by slow pace over 3,000,000
Mijorin (Purple Wolf humanoid from North Quadrant): 12,000,000
Sarta (Indian-looking guy from North Quadrant): 1,750,000
Unnamed Angel character (background character with no affiliation, taller than Olibu, seems stronger than Mijorin): 14,000,000
Unnamed Angel character (background character with no affiliation, taller than Olibu, seems stronger than Mijorin): 14,000,000
Grand Kai: 450,000
Grand Kai's flag holder: 50
North/King Kai: 45,000
West Kai: 42,500
East Kai: 42,000
South Kai: 41,000
Alien anchor (mushroom headed alien/otherworld being): 100
Alien anchor (mushroom headed alien/otherworld being): 100
Super Perfect Cell: 5,200,000,000
Frieza: 210,000,000
King Cold: 180,000,000
Jeice: 500,000
Burter: 450,000
Recoome: 400,000
Guldo: 135,000 (even he surpassed Namek Saga Captain Ginyu)