Niv Lugassi's Arts
יום רביעי, 19 באוגוסט 2009
עברתי את 1.85 מ' בגובהי (I grew over 6'1" in height)
יום שלישי, 18 באוגוסט 2009
How Spider-Man's old costume would've looked in "Spider-Man: Unlimited" if they were colored white.
On the right side you can see the original frames, while on the left are my modifications with Paint.NET.
Examining how Spider-Man Unlimited's Peter Parker would've looked like without these hair shadings... I think they should've went on a darker brown.
יום חמישי, 13 באוגוסט 2009
"הקשר שבין עם לארצו" - ניב לוגסי, שנת תשס"ט.
"The Connection Between The People and The Land" - Niv Lugassi, 2009
"The Connection Between The People and The Land" - Niv Lugassi, 2009
יום שבת, 8 באוגוסט 2009
Spider-Man Unlimited episode 2: The High Evolutionary as a 50 years younger man - boy, why did they drew him the same?
Original print screen:
Now, here is how I imagine a man in his late 30s:
Or with black eyebrows to make things right/more realistic:
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