Well, I had made an observation for Dragon Ball Wikia about the number of King Cold's Henchmen a.k.a. "Frieza's Subordinates" (I originally created that page there with the title: "King Cold's henchmen" o nSeptember 5th, 2014), from both Manga & Dragon Ball Z Anime their number was shown to be 16 in zoom-out views of the scene they're geting out of King Cold's Spaceship, I gave them names and power levels cuz that's my thing with this franchise. Turns out the staff in DBZ had made a lot of changing/mistakes in the coloring/styling of many of these soldiers so in each scene some of them look completely different, which is problomatic with their counting but trust Old Wolfie to investigate this issue and conclude that out of the chaos you can only "reproduce" 6 extra characters who has nothing to do with the common 16 shown most of the time in the Future Trunks Saga = there are 22 Cold/Frieza soldiers present at their invasion to Earth, if you are nice enough to let them exist regardless of being a creation by mistake.