**Warning: Not PC-friendly!**
Just some thoughts about the following month (mostly due to consuming murican media) that's about to end soon that may anger SOME of my American friends: I believe black history month is bullshit.
Just some thoughts about the following month (mostly due to consuming murican media) that's about to end soon that may anger SOME of my American friends: I believe black history month is bullshit.
Simply due to the fact there is no such nation of or a land called "black" in humanity, it's not an ethnicity, if you consider them as such then there should also be "Irish history month", "Chinese history month", "Jewish history month" and so on and so forth to not keep anyone feel neglected, but then again we'll be soon out of months.
There are African people who belong to what physical anthropology calls: "Negroid Race". But that's not the issue here, African Americans' heritage comes from different people across Central & Western Africa (sometimes historically rivals to eachother) who mixed with each other during their time in North America while held as slaves for the "high & europeanly mighty" "first americans" (**wooohooo! muricans, tell me more about your "founding fathers" & how super gifted law makers they were despite the fact you're just a 2nd generation there from whatever ethnicity**), and although ~70% have "white" (**don't recall the human pigment scheme had such, we are all just in shades of brown, "Different Strokes" if you'd like. don't believe me, open "Paint" and go to the colors palette. See? now get back here, get the fuck back here, I ain't playin' wit u gurl! JK**) ancestry according to Harvard's geneticists Prof. Henry Louis Gates, none of the murican people wants to point that out. Besides many modern African-Americans are descended/originated from post MLK/Civil Rights movements innovated migrations of Africans to America, like the Somalis in Minnesota, what do they have in common with the black slaves?. Tracing one's ancestry is not so difficult nowadays, if "Americans" are so obsessed w skin color and mistaking it for a nationality or ethnicity it's their fucking problem, but that's not how nature works.

Wanna make those African-Americans close the gaps w other groups of "privileged" people in your society? have a governmental body that will arrange resources for those poor people in the projects by money gathered by higher taxes for any multi-millionaire - billionaire level businesspeople (build a hierarchy of tax payment for rich guys, make a "not-so-democratic-yet-socialist" law that each group/company/corporation that passes the 500 million $ earnings a year should be giving 10% to that body which will make sure those black & non-black poor people get a better living throughout the different communities in the U.S., 1%ers should be under the heaviest tax cut of their budgets, giving the extra cash to their low-rank employers who might find themselves one day in the streets, putting a "IN GOD WE TRUST" over ur dollars doesn't actually goes along with the redistribution economy that is described in the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament"). And trust, little Israelite me, there are plenty of them in murica. That's the sole reason of USA's existence. But SWINISH Capitalism isn't like that, not by the tiniest tipsy lil bit. In such corrupted society only the rich is allowed to tax reliefs so he/she'll be able to gain more money. Once u will solve that and African-Americans (who are portrayed to me as an Israeli as the majority amongst ur poverty) - alongside other poor U.S. citizens - will be endorsed to a better life, we won't be hearing about this fake "bhm" or any thing like it that is purposed to make "whites" (Caucasiods in general, not just the europeans who had those slaves) bad for our existence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tEiguYmgxA.
Humbly yours,
The Logical Hebrew.