יום שני, 30 במאי 2016
יום ראשון, 29 במאי 2016
יום חמישי, 26 במאי 2016
Dragon Ball Super Monaka Saga Power Levels
The Party at Bulma's house:
- Vegeta: 8,000,000,000
- Bulma: 14
- Trunks: 600,000
- Chi-Chi: 34
- Goten: 500,000
- Ox-King: 70
- Master Roshi: 1,500
- Jaco: 1,020
- Miss Piiza: 30
- Mr. Satan: 80
- Majin Buu: 3,000,000,000
- Piccolo: 1,800,000,000
- Krillin: 300,000,000
- Android 18: 450,000,000
- Marron: 1
- Tien: 250,000,000
- Yamcha:240,000,000
- Chiaotzu: 5,000,000
- Oolong: 12
- Puar: 10
- Monaka: 300
- Son Goku: 8,200,000,000
- Chiaotzu's psychic against Goku: 7,000,000,000
- Beerus: 100,000,000,000,000
- Whis: 150,000,000,000,000
- Beerus fighting supressed as "Monaka": 40,000,000,000 - 80,000,000,000
- Goku fighting at full Super Sayian God power: 60,000,000,000
- Yamcha ashamed: 20,000,000
Goku's lack of control over his ki:
- Professor: 5
- Professor's wife: 3
- Son Gohan: 1,300,000,000
- Videl: 100
- Pan: 0.3
- "sick" Son Goku: 1,000,000,000
- Chi Chi: 34
- Goten: 500,000
- Bulma: 14
- Bulma shocked/angry: 10-16
- Vegeta shocked: 7,000,000,000
- Krillin: 300,000,000
- King Kai: 145,000
- Bubbles: 10,000
- Gregory: 15,000
- Piccolo: 1,800,000,000
- Pilaf: 20
- Mai: 15
- Shu: 10
- Pilaf Machine: 1,000,000
- Pan's power unleashed: 30,000
The Secret of the Superhuman Water:
- Bulma: 14
- Monaka: 300
- Potage: 540
- Gryll: 3,000,000
- Common Gryll gang members: 7,000 each
- Frozen Trunks: 5
- Frozen Goten: 4
- Trunks: 600,000
- Goten: 500,000
- Vegeta: 8,000,000,000
- Jaco: 1,020
- Jaco scared/tensed because of Vegeta: 900
- Jaco shocked of Gryll: 700
- Gryll soldiers copies of the Super Human Water: 700,000 each
- Gryll copy by the Super Human Water: 4,500,000,000
- Gryll soldiers after their powers were absorbed by the Superhuman water: 1
- Gryll after his powers were absorbed by the Super Human Water: 2
- Vegeta's ki blast: 8,100,000,000
- Vegeta after his powers were drained out him by the Superhuman Water: 4
- Copy-Vegeta: 8,250,000,000
- Goku: 8,000,000,000 {back to health}
- Goku's Kamehameha: 8,200,000,000
- Gotenks: 300,000,000
- SSJ Gotenks: 1,500,000,000
- SSJ 2 Gotenks: 3,000,000,000
- SSJ 3 Gotenks: 6,000,000,000
- Copy-Vegeta when Copy-Gryll punishes him for disobedience: 6,250,000,000
- Copy-Gryll after Copy-Vegeta's attack: 1,000 drops to 1
- Super Sayian Blue Goku: 300,000,000,000
- Super Sayian god Super Sayian Copy-Vegeta: 300,000,000,000
- SSGSS Copy-Vegeta after Monaka stepped on his controller: 40,00,000,000
יום רביעי, 25 במאי 2016
Yamcha is not "weak"!
Dragon Ball
יום שני, 23 במאי 2016
יום ראשון, 22 במאי 2016
יום שישי, 20 במאי 2016
I've had these questions stuck in my mind ever since my Grandpa passed away last year (and one day ago as of now), this weekend all I could think of was: "Where do I go now? What do I need to do with myself?" As I have realized life is short and that I've been covering up my sorrowfulness since day 2. I can't stand this place nor the studies neither 99.999999999% of these fucking stupid people.
Back in April of 2013 I have tried to enroll into Bezalel's Animation, passed the 2D conceptual art test then failed in the plastelina part (which is their "fetish", haven't touched it since kindergarten), out of stress I'll be stuck behind, as most of my IDF friends already enrolled into different degrees, I did the most ridiculous choice and signed up to Hebrew University's Archaeology degree (dropped out of the Politcal Science major by one year, WASTE OF TIME&Money), CONCLUSION: Don't ever study things you can't stand since day 2. EVEN FOR THE PRESTIGE OF THE INSTITUE.
יום חמישי, 19 במאי 2016
יום שני, 16 במאי 2016
יום שלישי, 10 במאי 2016
So I have been to a HUJI field trip to Greece these last 8 days, here's the summary for what I've saw there...
Greece in 5 points:
- There were almost no people we could see outside in the first 4 days, like there was an order from the government to stay locked at home. After humans did start to appear there, they tend to be very nice and hospital towards us tourists, not hostile as they were 14 years ago, simply because of their need of foreign money to be invested in their dying economy. Don't get me wrong there were places in Athens' city centre that looked like slums and had very suspicious people lurking them at night.
- No matter where you'd look you'd find a graphiti.
- The people there are lazier than in the Western World and prefer to rest at home or march in protests other than work.
- There were more dogs than people in the country in the first 4 days. Their stray and house dogs are nicer than what we have here in the Levant, willing to play with anyone, even if their owner meant them to be guard dogs, and to wish to be pet by anyone.
- There are some archaeological sites there like Gla that seems like a human foot hadn't been in them for at least a decade with nothing to see on the top on the mound yet the way to it and from it is dangerous & annoying as shit.

נתב"ג, 7015001, ישראל
יום ראשון, 1 במאי 2016
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