יום חמישי, 26 בינואר 2017
ציון בן ציון... בלש כל(ב)בי
יום רביעי, 25 בינואר 2017
יום שני, 9 בינואר 2017
REVISED Power Levels list for Resurrection 'F' (Dragon Ball Z movie & DB Super arc)
Guarana's crew finds a Super Dragon Ball + reports back to Planet Frieza 17 (Dragon Ball Chou Manga Chapter 4) - Age 778 (while SSJ god Goku fights Beerus):


- Guarana (2nd strongest in Frieza's army next to Sorbet): 50,000
- Raspberry esque: 10,000
- Sui's race member: 9,000
- Appule's race soldier: 8,000
- Malaka's race bold member: 7,500
- Champa: 90,000,000,000,000,000,000
- Vados: 160,000,000,000,000,000,000
- Tagoma (shocked): 20,000
- Shisami (scared): 19,000
- Sorbet (tensed): 80,000
- 2 Bouncers: 6,000 (taller) & 5,000
- Goku (Super Sayian "god"): 6,000,000,000
- Beerus: 10,000,000,000

- Planet Snack's ambassador: 70
- Planet Snack's ambassador's spokesman: 30
- Gelbi: 2,000
- Bee: 0.2
- Vegeta (after intense training to surpass Goku & Beerus): 125,000,000 (finally a base form Sayian surpassed Frieza)
- Mecha-Frieza (trapped powerless in cocoon in "Earth's hell"): 500
- Earth's hell angels: ~200 each
- Sorbet's Frog "Subordinate": 7,500
- Sorbet's bouncers: 10,000 each
- Malaka's race doctor (manga): 400
- Common Frieza Soldiers: 800-1,500 (low levels, top are merely 2nd class)
- Frieza's "elites" (equipped with New Battle Armor model): 3,000 - 6,000
- Tagoma (upon Frieza's revival): 22,500
- Shisami (upon Frieza's revival): 21,500
- Sorbet (upon Frieza's revival): 84,000
- Pilaf: 20
- Mai: 15
- Shu: 10
- Shenron: 100,000,000
- Revived Mecha-Frieza (trying to unite his body in pieces): 10,000 drops to 160 while in pieces {evil ki sensed throughout the Earth}
- Frieza (1st form regenerated - "a bit rusty"): 490,000
- Gohan (slacked training): 710,000,000
- Videl (fell from her DBZ peak): 100
- Piccolo (out of shape): 1,450,000,000
- Baby Pan: 0.003
- Krillin (out of shape): 125,000,000
- 2 criminals: below 10 each
- Bulma: 14
- Dr. Brief: 8
- Android 18: 1,400,000,000
- Tien (out of shape): 100,000,000
- Yamcha (out of shape): 60,000,000
- Chiaotzu (out of shape, Fukkatsu No 'F' manga only): 2,000,000
- Goku (starting his training under Whis): 7,000,000,000
- Vegeta (after 6 months of training with Whis): 7,500,000,000
- Whis: 150,000,000,000,000,000,000
- Beerus: 100,000,000,000,000,000,000
- Oracle Fish: 650
4 Months later - Frieza's invasion - Goku (after 4 months of training under Whis): 12,050,000,000,000
- Vegeta (after another 4 months of training under Whis): 11,750,000,000,000
- Master Roshi: 1,000
- Master Roshi (buffed): 10,000
- Jaco: 1,020
- Mr. Buu: 1,150,000,000
- Frog Subordinate (post 4 months of training): 17,500
- Sorbet's bouncers (post 4 months): 20,000
- 1000 Frieza soldiers Army: 1,000 (70% of total men) - 3,000 ("strongest"=30% of henchmen)
- Krillin (stunned by fear of Frieza - DBS ONLY): 2,000
- Krillin (reliefed after Tien saved him - DBS ONLY): 3,000
- Krillin fears Frieza's 16 men surrounding him in DBS: 2,100
- Frieza's pink bully soldier against Krillin: 3,000
- Krillin realizes Frieza's bully soldier is just a weakling in DBS: 6,000
- Krillin after Master Roshi explained him he's far stronger than Frieza's soldiers: 18,000 (DBS)
- Frieza's mercenaries (wearing new model battle armor in the RoF manga&movie): 5,000-10,000
- Krillin (suppressed): 80,000
- Tien (suppressed): 70,000
- Gohan (holds himself vs. Frieza's goons & Shisami): 170,000 -> 210,000
- Piccolo (suppressed against the lackies & tired vs. Shisami in the movie): 240,000 -> 200,000
- Sorbet (post 4 months): 300,000
- Shisami (post training): 230,000 (less than the Ginyus' combined minimum of 268,500)
- Gohan starting to get serious vs. Shisami (threatens him to give up): 250,000
- Gohan's powering up against Shisami: 450,000 and rising (somehow kept his guard down)
- Tagoma's dirty blast: 500,000
- Shisami dying after Tagoma's sneak attack: 0.2 {also his power level after SSJ Gohan takes him out with one blow in the film}
- Gohan realizes he got hit too: 1,000 and drops quickly
- Tagoma (holds back while standing to be scanned by Sorbet's scouter): 350,000
- Gohan after his heart stopped beating: 0.3 [barely holds on till Piccolo's Kiai]
- Gohan after Senzu Bean: 710,000,000
- Tagoma (full power post training/"Body of Steel"): 4,900,000,000{equal to Super Perfect Cell}
- Goten: 500,000
- Trunks: 550,000
- Piccolo (powered up to max): 2,500,000,000
- Piccolo (injured by Tagoma): 300,000,000
- Gohan's rescue ki blast: 2,800,000,000
- Piccolo (post Tagoma's attack - barely holds his own): 1,500,000
- Piccolo (after Senzu): 2,550,000,000
- Gotenks (SSJ): 5,200,000,000
Captain Ginyu's "revival": - Frog-Ginyu: 0.16
- Tagoma as a Namekian frog: 0.00004
- Ginyu in Tagoma's body (not accustomed): 5,000,000,000
- Ginyu-Tagoma attacks the Z-Fighters (post power up): 5,500,000,000
- Tien after Ginyu's assult: 15,000 [too brutal for him, barely holds on with the fight]
- Piccolo after Ginyu's attack: 1,000,000 [holds on, realizes Ginyu is stronger than Tagoma was]
- Master Roshi after Ginyu's attack: 700 [can't hold on, barely alive]
- Krillin after Ginyu's attack: 300,000 [takes less damage than the other humans]
- Gohan after Ginyu's attack: 1,100,000 [holds on, back to himself after breathing]
- Krillin after Senzu: 130,000,000
- Tien after Senzu: 120,000,000
- Kamesennin after Senzu: 1,500
- Master Roshi powers up to MAX to call Goku & Vegeta (RoF movie ONLY!): 100,000
- Gohan fighting Ginyu-Tagoma: 1,300,000,000 - 4,700,000,000 (taps into his "Mystic" form as he powers up w each pounch, yet his lack of training prevents him from unleashing his full power)
- Ginyu in Tagoma's body (accustomed): 6,080,000,000
- Gohan (back on his feet injured after Ginyu's attacks on him): 725,000,000
- Gohan (Super Sayian): 36,250,000,000 (goes easy on Ginyu with 25% = 9,062,500,000)
- Ginyu-Tagoma injured/defeated: 3,000,000,000
Frieza steps in: - Frieza (1st form post his "special" training): 53,000,000,000
- Frieza's barrage of Death Beams: 53,750,000,000 -> 53,900,000,000
- SSJ Gohan injured by Frieza's barrage of Death Beams: 21,000,000,000 -> 14,700,000,000
- Injured Gohan reverted back to normal: 1,400,000,000 and dropps
- Frieza's most powerful death beam (hits & kills Piccolo): 55,200,000,000
- Gohan charging up to max to call Goku & Vegeta from Beerus' Planet: 73,000,000,000 [erruption of anger]
- Gohan's body collapses: all the way to ~1
- Goku (Sayian Beyond "god" after training in "that place"): 12,500,000,000,000
- Vegeta (Sayian Beyond "god" after training in "that place"): 12,450,000,000,000
- Gohan after a 2nd Senzu Bean: 2,500,000,000
- Frieza in his final form: 12,400,000,000,000
- Goku as a Super Sayian god Super Sayian: 7,187,000,000,000,000
- Golden Frieza: 7,600,000,000,000,000
- Golden Frieza (stamina begins to fall): 7,400,000,000,000,000
- Golden Frieza (stamina dropping fast before Sorbet steps in): 6,500,000,000,000,000
- Goku after Sorbet's bad ring laser caught him off-gaurd: 3,000,000,000,000 and dropping fast to 800,000,000,000 due to Frieza's torturing him
- Goku after Senzu: 12,800,000,000,000
- Golden Frieza vs Vegeta: 6,250,000,000,000,000
- Vegeta as a Super Sayian god Super Sayian: 7,300,000,000,000,000
- Golden Frieza after Vegeta's 1st set of attacks: 5,800,000,000,000,000
- Golden Frieza's last stand: 4,320,000,000,000
- Frieza reverts back to his fourth form: 2,000,000,000,000 [powerless]
- Goku's conclusive Kamehameha: 8,000,000,000,000,000
- Frieza (back in hell - powerless in cocoon): 3,000
יום שבת, 7 בינואר 2017
יום שישי, 6 בינואר 2017
Cmon, Toei, making an OVA of what really happened in Mecha-Frieza & King Cold's invasion back in Future Trunks' timeline is not such a hard thing to do (considering the following...)
As we know for years now (since the internet made itself a welcomed guest in our homes back in the beginning of the millennium), Toei Animation & other companies' staff lurks the fandom centers of their shows to see what fans feel/think about their creation, so here's my last one: MAKE AN OVA AS STATED IN THE TITLE.
1) You already have the option of using the Garlic Jr. Saga highlights to show what have happened on Earth while Goku was gone (it's a DBZ filler, yet it was a nice touch up to Toriyama's work), it can serve for a minute or so after showing Frieza's defeat at the hands of SSJ Goku back on Namek.
2) You already have BOTH Dragon Ball Z & Kai's versions of the episodes "Frieza's Counterattack" & "The Mysterious Youth" (not a big deal to use the material UNTIL Frieza sends off his 3 men that Future Trunks slices to pieces upon his arrival & to proceed animating from there).
3) It'll be a great story to tell within an hour long piece, at minimum; they can do it like their BoG & RoF movies around 90 minutes if they'll feel like it and provide many high quality action - besides considering the 2 major points above they already have 2/3 of the material ready, won't take too long to continue from there.
4) It'll answer so many questions we raised in this & other fandom sites in the past:
* How strong were King Cold's Soldiers? + Having all the Z-Fighters matter for once in A VERY LONG TIME (They missed that option with Resurrection 'F'... Sadly, it wasn't altered in DB Super either).
* What would the Z-Fighters do once meeting the Six Million Zenis Frieza & his old man (yes, Vegeta, there was someone who ran the show behind a thick curtain all these years you were his son's underling)?
* How was the interaction between Goku & his arch-nemesis when they finally met again? I'd guess it was pretty intense (Frieza's temper boils so hard his mechanic-body bleeds from the cracks and he gets electrified from time to time), would be great to see Goku goes serious from the start for once...
* Can King Cold transform? It won't save him from getting obliterated at the hands of Super Saiyan (Yardrat-improved) Goku, but still...
Let's see if we'll be able to pull it off from here to the "Dragon Ball Room" at Shueisha...
(Originally posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/dbz/comments/5mcn1q/cmon_toei_making_an_ova_of_what_really_happened/)
Let's see if we'll be able to pull it off from here to the "Dragon Ball Room" at Shueisha...
(Originally posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/dbz/comments/5mcn1q/cmon_toei_making_an_ova_of_what_really_happened/)
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