I don't buy this "they can't really do anything with all the newly introduced characters" excuse, of course they CAN! It is more the writing's staff fault than the directors and supervising animators' one if you ask me, it's true that there is always some room of improvements and small touch ups by the execution team but in the animation business you still have to go by the plan handed to you by the writers (they're paid for handing out story layouts for us hardworking animators to draw).

Don't worry, it's time to get more into details. I didn't liked how characters like Universe 9 were treated so their end will be quick. It felt too rushed for me. What I'd do with them as the storyteller would be this: the same characters of U9, U6 and U4 will surround Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien and Master Roshi and they will all jump to do the same "reanimated moves" that proven not enough to even faze the attackers, then Tien (who originally had only used Solar Flare) will try a close-encounter fight with Comfrey, however he will proven no match for him, so he brings out the 4 Witches move and combines it with a barrage of ki blasts to attack his rival from close range, inflicting some damage but not enough for this guy who is about Dabura level, then the U9 warrior will demonstrate why he was selected to represent his universe: he can shoot Patamon-like "air bubbles" he can charge with deep breath in an instant, this is very effective as it's not ki based and invisible so Tien can't sense, identify nor dodge it and is hit and thrown back, falling on his back, but refusing to accept defeat he will stand up and will ask his opponent if that's all he got (yup, badass Tien is back, bye-bye bitch Tien of episode 89&90). Krillin will jump in to face Dercori as deep down he fears Roshi won't be able to confront a female fighter, she will try to hit him with mantis-like chops empowered with small ki covering her bare hands, Krillin will dance along with her without being harmed but will eventually be pushed back till he will touch Piccolo's cape, while the Namekian tries to fight Botamo, but he can't faze him since Botamo prevents him from reaching his legs (and is now a bit more powerful than in the U6 Tournament arc), so Piccolo will extend his arms to the point he will cause Botamo confusion (as he didn't remembered Piccolo can do that) and will use this opening to make Botamo to fall over and punch Shosa, who was giving a close dance of rumbles to Master Roshi, by mistake. Shosa will be harmed and will stop his melee attack on Roshi, who will shoot an energy wave at him (Botamo's body that laid behind him will block him from getting blown away) to be pushed back into the group formation. Gohan will have a rematch with Lavender, knowing about his poisonous moves from their last fight, he will turn into Mystic/Ultimate Gohan and will send him flying (with a nice chunk of damage to his face) about 150 meters up front before he will be able to inflict anyone from the group with his weakening poison. Tien will combine his Four Witches Attack with Tri-Beam, each set of arms will charge a Kikho and will pour it at Comfrey, sending him shaking silly about 50 meters back with significant damage and breathing heavily after he got out of the "fire".
The Universe 6 Namekians will be shown actually doing something instead of popping up just in the "1 hour" special, they'll be fighting the U3 robots who chased Goku this last episode, and to be fighting with U2 Zarbuto and U10 Obuni afterwards.
U10's weakest member, Lilibeau, can still be the first one to be eliminated out of the 80 competitors, but instead of her depiction as a frayed fairy at least make her Cell Games SSJ Goku level, and have Basil actually break or paralyze her wings instead of just harming her and break her fragile spirit to explain her fast elimination (it was roughly a few seconds to half a minute at best in-universe).

Murichim will be given a lot more action (instead of his poor performance we saw): After being unable to defeat Toppo, Murichim will face Comfrey and base Cabba, he will block the thin Saiyan's punches with his bare arm, and will faze the U9 alien by a knee to the gut. Frieza will be looking for some "fun" of torturing somebody and after Catopesra will prove to survive his energy blast, he'll run into U9's Roselle, who will be more useful than a shadow of a fodder he was - let's say rivaling Majin Vegeta-tier, yet knowing he is weaker than Frieza after a few tries of melee attacks that'll leave him injured, he will try to use his flight to avoid the hits and will try to use his best attack: the "evil eye" move where he shoots a red beam from his third/red eye that causes the opponent to be sluggish in movement, but this is shown to be ineffective against Frieza who's body is just a soul therefore he currently has no nerves system. Frieza will gun him down with a finger beam to the wing, as shown and will shoot holes through him with suppressed finger beams before Roselle will collapse from his injuries, barely hanging on life, the Grand Priest will suggest Frieza to stop this if he doesn't want to get disqualified, after Beerus will scold him, Frieza will simply kick Roselle out of bounds (never liked the idea he ran off instead of fighting till the end for his Universe, no matter how shitty it is).
Later, while Android 18 is fighting the faster but physically weaker Sorrel, Android 17 goes toe to toe with Oregano and despite being slowed down by his threads he manages to overpower them and punch him in the stomach to fly all the way till he will be stopped by crashing into his teammate, Hyssop, who just finished his round with Nink. Roshi will face Hop (after she's done trying to mess with U3 Catopesra) who will try to scratch him, he'll prove too smart for her, reading her every move (I never liked Roshi but I can detach myself from my prejudice for the sake of the story) and avoiding getting hit, he will use the Drunken Fist attack to send her flying some 20 meters back, she will be stopped by Botamo who stopped her for the sake of continuing the joined assault at Team Universe 7. Piccolo will tag with Chappil. The silver dragon will demonstrate that his spit can cause things turn into metal by spitting on Piccolo's shoe, seeing this Piccolo will kick away his shoe at Hop to slow her down as she plans to harm Roshi (and at her power level, which is about as Goku had as a SSJ2 back at the Majin Buu Saga, she can clearly wipe the floor with him if she'd be as smart and experienced as he is). Hop is offended by the throwing of the metal shoe but is called by Roh to gather around Goku and the scenario where she's (and the rest) to be defeated by the interfering (SSJ) Vegeta will kick in as it was (same with Goku's scenes/rivals)
Eventually Universe 9 lasted for four episodes instead of just 2. Murichim should then confront Dr. Rota and will kick him away by placing his foot beneath his butt and raise it like a shovel to push him out of his way, while the "doctor" will try to demonstrate his special ability. Jilcol can show his "yoga" skills up against Krillin but not to be able to get rid of the strongest human. Murisam can show some moves against Caway who is struggling to keep up, just then Rabanra jumps in and fights him instead because he thinks Caway will be an "easy prey" best saved for later, Murisam tries some ki empowered Thai Boxing attacks but to prove not enough to match him and to be thrown to the center of the arena. Caway runs from Rabanra and is defended by Ganos.

Nigrisshi can be given some fights with base Gohan and Piccolo, proving no match to both so he retreat into camouflage and hiding his ki, he disappears for an episode and then surprises Cabba with a sneak attack from behind as seen in the actual footage while the Saiyab is busy with defeating Murisam who also tried a sneak attack. He proves too much for Cabba (after all, he was hyped by U3 Kai before the ToP as their best modified warrior yet), so Cabba goes SSJ and kicks him with ease out of the ring. Murichim is stepping in for Rubalt who got kicked by Team U3 and takes on Catopesra for awhile. Tien (who survived the Harmila & Prum by having a double of himself who remained on the arena while the rest took Harmila out) tries to fight Shantsa and Biarra, and despite showing some moves with his Neo-Tri-Beam that made them reach the edge of the area and to cause their respective Gods of Destruction break a sweat, is taken out by a quick move of Dyspo who saw his potential of threat despite his "low" power level.
Murichim is still kicking, but he's damaged and worn out because of his previous clashes, he still wishes to fight, he clashes with Vegeta who was jumping from rock to rock (it's after Kale's SSJ Breserk havoc) near by, they're about equal while going at it, Vegeta had less action so he's still fresh therefore having the upper hand and blasting Murichim down to the ground, he is about to punch him while he's staying down, but he manages to jump to the side in the last minute as Vegeta lays the punch, Murichim takes deep breath and tells him he won't be the one going down between them, Vegeta decides to go SSJ, Murichim is amazed by his "improvement by changing his hair color". Frieza walks by and watches the two talk, without them to notice, but once Murichim is about to go with all his remaining strength for "all or nothing" clash with the Saiyan Prince, Frieza shoots his back with a few finger beams that caught him off-guard/not ready to dodge, Murichim is knocked out cold and Vegeta steps down from his transformation. Frieza kicks him over the next ridge and then the scene we were shown happens.

I think that the best placement for a Planet Sadal mini-arc was before this current arc, if the writers weren't that rushed into going to the Tournament of Power (or ordered to do so because this is how Toriyama imagined the chain of events), I mean if it was so important to Vegeta, he'd be asking Vados and Champa to take him there as a favor for showing up for them in the U7 vs U6 Baseball Match, perhaps when they were on Earth in episode 72 to pick Hit up, then after saving the other universe Saiyans from a threat, having him considering to have a second child with Bulma - leading to Bulla.
TL;DR: I want the arc to stay in the same amount of episodes as it is because it's not the conclusion of the show, just not to have any action-less stills shots for 10% of each episode like we have now, the Harmila episode was a good example of what I hate about the on-going pacing of this arc. Be aware that I didn't demanded a dialogue for each scene just a sequence.
TL;DR: I want the arc to stay in the same amount of episodes as it is because it's not the conclusion of the show, just not to have any action-less stills shots for 10% of each episode like we have now, the Harmila episode was a good example of what I hate about the on-going pacing of this arc. Be aware that I didn't demanded a dialogue for each scene just a sequence.