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סקרינשוט של זאב רווח מתוך "חגיגה בסנוקר" - הסצינה בנמל יפו |
יום רביעי, 11 בנובמבר 2015
בוקר עמוס במחשבות ובעיסוקים
יום שבת, 10 באוקטובר 2015
יום שני, 5 באוקטובר 2015
יום שבת, 3 באוקטובר 2015
יום שישי, 2 באוקטובר 2015
יום חמישי, 17 בספטמבר 2015
Scooby-Doo and some Jews, too!
Was too long to be a blog post so I've moved it here: https://sites.google.com/site/animationinformation/scooby-doo-and-some-jews-too

Gan Yavne, Israel
יום רביעי, 9 בספטמבר 2015
Moshe left JLM after he became a Masters in both School & Joyments of Life...
A great era has come to an end today... Undoubtedly the peak of my degree so far. Even though I've only known you for (roughly) a year, that was the hardest I've been through in my life, I feel blessed to encounter someone like you, so omniscient, so funny with a wide range of thoughts and opinions about everything.
At first I've thought that there's a possibility that Cyrill and Nimrod's assumption from last year was true, and that you were really an undercover cop who was sent to HUJI as part of some Jump Street reboot to hang with us and check out whether we were in charge of the drugs biz in Jerusalem (as it took some time before we ever saw you in daytime), only to discover we were two guys who simply like beer. a lil bit too much. And hang out in the local pub till everyone's gone.
I'm honored to have you as a friend, and you're clearly made of the right stuff to be part of my super-narrow-exclusive-list of friends.
The risks we took in the nights/dawns we spent walking through the Old City half drunk from downtown back home, were extremely memorable and were surely worth it for all the laughs & discussions that came along. WHO ELSE WILL GO WITH ME NOW TO A 10 MILES GILAD TOKATLI TOURS IN 3-4 AM?!
So, Canaanite prince, Hebrew warrior, Hyksos scholar, Shasu friend, "Magenosaurus", no matter which of these titles you'll pick, you'll be surely missed in J'lem.
I love you, babe. And remember: "A bro-job isn't with mouth, it's with your heart..." ;)
At first I've thought that there's a possibility that Cyrill and Nimrod's assumption from last year was true, and that you were really an undercover cop who was sent to HUJI as part of some Jump Street reboot to hang with us and check out whether we were in charge of the drugs biz in Jerusalem (as it took some time before we ever saw you in daytime), only to discover we were two guys who simply like beer. a lil bit too much. And hang out in the local pub till everyone's gone.
I'm honored to have you as a friend, and you're clearly made of the right stuff to be part of my super-narrow-exclusive-list of friends.
The risks we took in the nights/dawns we spent walking through the Old City half drunk from downtown back home, were extremely memorable and were surely worth it for all the laughs & discussions that came along. WHO ELSE WILL GO WITH ME NOW TO A 10 MILES GILAD TOKATLI TOURS IN 3-4 AM?!
So, Canaanite prince, Hebrew warrior, Hyksos scholar, Shasu friend, "Magenosaurus", no matter which of these titles you'll pick, you'll be surely missed in J'lem.
I love you, babe. And remember: "A bro-job isn't with mouth, it's with your heart..." ;)
יום שבת, 5 בספטמבר 2015
Frieza's Army (PTO) hierarchy chart
Dragon Ball,
Dragon Ball Super,
2 לוחמי הגטאות, ירושלים
יום חמישי, 23 ביולי 2015
King Cold's Army/Platoon (from 16 in Manga/Anime Zoom-Out to 22 DBZ/Kai)
Well, I had made an observation for Dragon Ball Wikia about the number of King Cold's Henchmen a.k.a. "Frieza's Subordinates" (I originally created that page there with the title: "King Cold's henchmen" o nSeptember 5th, 2014), from both Manga & Dragon Ball Z Anime their number was shown to be 16 in zoom-out views of the scene they're geting out of King Cold's Spaceship, I gave them names and power levels cuz that's my thing with this franchise. Turns out the staff in DBZ had made a lot of changing/mistakes in the coloring/styling of many of these soldiers so in each scene some of them look completely different, which is problomatic with their counting but trust Old Wolfie to investigate this issue and conclude that out of the chaos you can only "reproduce" 6 extra characters who has nothing to do with the common 16 shown most of the time in the Future Trunks Saga = there are 22 Cold/Frieza soldiers present at their invasion to Earth, if you are nice enough to let them exist regardless of being a creation by mistake.

יום חמישי, 25 ביוני 2015
ציור יח"צ לפרויקט ההדסטארט שלנו: "מחנה מתקל"
יום שלישי, 23 ביוני 2015
MAPPING ALL OF SCOOBY-DOO'S Coolsville, Ohio from all materials I could get (A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!, DC Comic Books, early 2000s theatrical movies & Scholastic books)
1 - Rogerses' Home
2 - Joneses' Home
3 - Velma Dinkley's Home
4 - Red Harring's Home
5 - Hedda Harring's Home
6 - Winnie Bygo's Home
7 - Red Harring's Secret Shack
8 - Durwood O'McDigitson's Home
9 - O'Greazy's Bucket-O-Fun Resturant
10 - O'Greazy's Bucket-O-Bldg
11 - Binder's Books
12 - Babysitter's Home (A Pup Named Scooby-Doo)
13 - Mystery Inc. HQ (Scooby-Doo! by DC Comics)
14 - Furgeson's Estate
15 - Count Shockula's Home
16- Policemen's Bowl
17 - Doo Manor
18- Johnson's Home
19 - Johnson's Guesthouse
20- Knittingham's Puppy Farm
21 - Blake's Videorama
22 - Shaggy & Scooby's Home (Scholastic's Scooby-Doo! Readers)
23 - Velma Dinkley's Home (")
24 - Daphne & Velma's Home (What's New Scooby-Doo! "A Scooby-Doo Valentine")
25 - Coolsville Postal Office
26 - Shaggy Rogers & Fred Jones' Home (What's New Scooby-Doo! "A Scooby-Doo Valentine")
27 - Ryan & Deb Trainor's Appartment Building
28 - Trolley Stop (DC Comics' "Trolley Molley")
29 - Mrs. Klein's Home (DC Comics' "Snowball Fright")
30 - Mr. Coby's Coolsville Costume Cube ("Reincarnation Rukus!")
30 - Mr. Coby's Coolsville Costume Cube ("Reincarnation Rukus!")
יום חמישי, 11 ביוני 2015
יום שלישי, 9 ביוני 2015
יום רביעי, 3 ביוני 2015
יום שני, 1 ביוני 2015
Today I Chilled some more than the usual...
2nd Form Chilled in a landing pose.
Dragon Ball,
Mount Scopus, Jerusalem
יום ראשון, 31 במאי 2015
יום שישי, 29 במאי 2015
יום חמישי, 21 במאי 2015
יום שלישי, 12 במאי 2015
יום שלישי, 5 במאי 2015
יום שלישי, 28 באפריל 2015
יום חמישי, 2 באפריל 2015
Thoughts about Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu No F/Revival of "F"/Resurrection 'F'
After reading the synopsis of "Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'", I have only these improvement suggestions for Toriyama:
1) Despite the noticeable attempt of promoting Akira Toriyama's brand new "Jaco the Galactic Patrolman" character through the movie, there was a place for putting Chiaotzu (Yu Yu Hakoshu kept his counterpart there going till the end & didn't replaced him for some time-traveling teen), Yamcha, Goten, Trunks & Majin Buu involved in the fight against Frieza's 1,000 henchmen. Even the weakling Master Roshi took part in the battle.
2) It wouldn't be a shame to break out the conception that Goku is the character who always wins. Having Vegeta giving Frieza the final blow won't be a degrading event but rather an epic concluding one.
3) If you're bringing back the scouters, at least give us some power levels' statements, man... We all know that's the major reason DB got it's fame from the first place and the discussions about this concept kept it in mind for so long (Akira knows that, he made his living out of this).
4) Both Frieza's new golden form and the new blue haired Super Saiyan god form (used by Goku & Vegeta) aren't something remarkable in terms of design, honest personal opinion. And the story introduced here makes no sense as there's a big plot hole to justify why ANY OF THESE FORMS haven't been in use during the (created 20+ years ago) late Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball GT.
5) This movie as canon actually discards all of the events involving Frieza in his aftermath in DBZ, such as his joining forces with King Cold (his father), Cell & the dead Ginyu Force members and terrorizing hell, and his redicolous defeat by the hands of teen Gohan (who himself was degraded to a weakling as the franchise advanced) while escaping hell & leading the franchise's villains in "Fusion Reborn". Better think of an explaination to that.
Captain Ginyu welcomes Abo & Cado infront of Frieza, advisors, Ginyu Force, Zarbon & Dodoria on Frieza's spaceship - By Niv Lugassi
Dragon Ball,
גן יבנה, ישראל
יום שלישי, 31 במרץ 2015
My trip to act on some students' film (I've memorized the text during the ride)
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The view from the train station in Jerusalem. |
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The valley of Beit Shemesh where the train passes. |
There's nothing like an all-nighter (which started yesterday with a trip to Pat, Jerusalem to study there with a radical leftist female classmate till 23:00) for an "Urbanism in the Early Bronze Age I-III" test that was held this morning and then traveling throughout all of Jerusalem to catch the train in the far-West corner of the city, then going through Bet Shemesh area that is actually quite good looking despite it's graveyard's vibe, then landing at Lod and exchanging the train to get to Be'er Yaakov where I'll play some nasty ass detective (I managed to get this role through a random Facebook visit).
יום ראשון, 29 במרץ 2015
יום רביעי, 18 במרץ 2015
יצירה המסכמת את מערכת הבחירות האחרונה (2015) שהוכרעה אתמול - ניסיון פתטי של גורמים אנטי-ישראלים ואינטרסנטיים (ע"ע נוני מוזס) להמליך את בוז'י, סליחה: "בוזי הרצוג" והמחנה ה"ציוני"
למדתי אומנות בתיכון אז בואו נעשה את זה במתכונת של הבגרות במקצוע הזה:
תיאור היצירה + פרשנות: יצחק בוז'י הרצוג מביט באנפוף סמולני אל עבר בבואתו במראה, הוא מאמין כי רכיבה על הסוס הפוליטי החדש המכונה "המחנה הציוני" - שהוא ללא צל של ספק סלט של מפלגת העבודה ההיסטורית והמתנשאת ו"התנועה" הטמפורלית של ציפי לבני הזגזגנית הפוליטית ומשרתיה (אפילו לא בחרו שם לבולשיט הזמני הזה ביודעם שהיא תחפש כלב פוליטי אחר להתעלק עליו אחרי ש"קדימה" ירדה מגדולתה) - תוביל אותו להיות מלך ישראל (כפי שדמיונו משתקף במראה), גופו של הסוס המת הזה מתאחד עם גופו של הרצוג מתוך ידיעה שהוא לא באמת שולט בסוס או רוכב עליו כמנהיג המפלגת בלוף הזו אלא כחלק אורגני מהסוס עץ הזה שראשו (לבני) משאיר מודעה למי שירצה לארח אותה כחלק ממפלגתו במקרה ויחוו מפלה, V15 המגוחכת, התקשורת (סוקרים, פרשנים ויועצים ואחד נוני מוזס עושים Cameo ביצירה) ומפלגות השמאל הקיצוני (מרצ) והערביות ("הרשימה המאוחדת") כמובן מהללים ומשתחווים בפני המשיח החדש מידיו הליכודניקיות של בנימין נתניהו שהאמין עד הרגע האחרון שיעשה "מהפך!".
יום שישי, 13 במרץ 2015
Final Form Frieza for my Florida based friend Matthew Greenberg...
It was just another Friday night when I came back to visit my family from my Jerusalem based adress, I looked at some YouTube videos of Frieza vs. Goku (in a video game, later in Dragon Ball Z) and decided it was about time to finally deal with this guy in a proper model draft sheet.
I sent it as a dedication to this great Judean friend of mine from the States whom I met almost a year prior that in a Birthright ("Taglit") trip who wanted to play Dragon Ball: Xenoverse with me so badly... Haven't bought this PS4, bruh...
Dragon Ball,
גן יבנה, ישראל
יום חמישי, 12 במרץ 2015
יום שלישי, 3 במרץ 2015
I've expected Frieza's new form to be at least as cool as Cooler's... thoughts? "Golden Frieza"'s debut.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1033235096692990&id=977224808960686
יום שלישי, 17 בפברואר 2015
Is there a way of making a conclusion to the old beloved TV show "Sliders"? This question intrigues me since my childhood, I mean, all it takes to finish it properly is to make just another 1-2 episodes and it's a done product, bet they can pull off something to explain the almost 20 years time progress with ease.

יום שני, 2 בפברואר 2015
רס"ן יוסף רהגל -המטריד של המפקדה במשרדו
יום ראשון, 4 בינואר 2015
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