So I have recently started to re-examining the HUGE POWER BOOST Tagoma got in Dragon Ball Super - which makes no sense when you try to put it in numerical ammount, the guy went straight from being on par with Zarbon & Dodoria (23,000 - ~30,000 & 22,000 respectively) to the point he can EASILY decimate Piccolo (who is fused with Nail and Kami and have kept on his trainings in the 7 years past the Cell Games and is considered to be the STRONGEST Z-Fighter sans the Sayians & their half-breed sons) and take on a mild ki blast from Gohan (who even though slacked his training should be considerably strong around the 7th Universe due to the ULTIMATE potential unlock he recieved from the Old Kaioshin just 5 years prior that) with no sign of scratch upon him. ALL THAT IN 4 MONTHS OF "TRAINING" (being Frieza's pounching bag 24/7 is not really contributing to either side in terms of powering up unless the Zenkai boost he got, IN CASE HE GOT SUCH like the Sayians, from healing each beating was in a vast degree fast enough to make him a worthy opponent to first form Frieza whose power rose drastically on a daily basis in this short period).

Out of shape 22 years old Son Gohan even considered him to possess a power "equal to his own at his best" - reffering to his base form - after he almost got killed by Tagoma's sneaky attack on him & Shisami (who got killed with much ease). Prior that, Tagoma was basically a "nobody" amongst Frieza's Galactic Empire, with Elites like Zarbon & Dodoria who had the same tier of power as he hanged alongside the ruthless tyrant as "Generals/Advisors" while he was serving as Sorbet's bodygaurd in the remoted 3rd Stellar Region where Frieza never showed too much interest (as he never contacted them BESIDES a few times Sorbet met him as the Staff Officer of that region). His importance within the pre-Namek Saga Frieza Army was shown in his memory of the only time he saw Frieza (prior his resurrection), standing with his back towards him discussing with Captain Ginyu & Dodoria, while he walked alone away from the "big men" in one of Frieza's planets.

I saw alot of bluffings around the web about his new power level being equated to Super Buu (including his Gohan, Gotenks & Piccolo absorbed forms) or even beyond that, so I had to jump in to the discussion and point out Tagoma COULD NOT BE THAT STRONG. He was only able of taking out Piccolo due to the fact all Z-Fighters dropped their serious trainings and acustomed to the peaceful life style in the five years post Kid Buu's death. The hit he got to the crouch from out-of-shape Gotenks demonstrated it the best.

Out of shape 22 years old Son Gohan even considered him to possess a power "equal to his own at his best" - reffering to his base form - after he almost got killed by Tagoma's sneaky attack on him & Shisami (who got killed with much ease). Prior that, Tagoma was basically a "nobody" amongst Frieza's Galactic Empire, with Elites like Zarbon & Dodoria who had the same tier of power as he hanged alongside the ruthless tyrant as "Generals/Advisors" while he was serving as Sorbet's bodygaurd in the remoted 3rd Stellar Region where Frieza never showed too much interest (as he never contacted them BESIDES a few times Sorbet met him as the Staff Officer of that region). His importance within the pre-Namek Saga Frieza Army was shown in his memory of the only time he saw Frieza (prior his resurrection), standing with his back towards him discussing with Captain Ginyu & Dodoria, while he walked alone away from the "big men" in one of Frieza's planets.

I saw alot of bluffings around the web about his new power level being equated to Super Buu (including his Gohan, Gotenks & Piccolo absorbed forms) or even beyond that, so I had to jump in to the discussion and point out Tagoma COULD NOT BE THAT STRONG. He was only able of taking out Piccolo due to the fact all Z-Fighters dropped their serious trainings and acustomed to the peaceful life style in the five years post Kid Buu's death. The hit he got to the crouch from out-of-shape Gotenks demonstrated it the best.
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Super Buu > Tagoma (DBS' RoF), Niv Lugassi 23/03/2016. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus.
If you're asking me, Tagoma could be at the ranges between Semi-Perfect Cell to Super Perfect Cell at most, but nowhere around Majin Buu's level. Yes, even the fat Buu is beyond him. I'd say that even Dabura might be proving himself a bit too much for the newly improved Tagoma to handle. I'll even say that from my point of view the "new" improved Frieza in his first form is STILL WEAKER than Super Buu in his base form, yes the Majin can still take the "Frost Demon" out without any of his absorbed forms, yet are equal in strengh when Frieza takes on his true/original/fourth/final form (again: I'm refering to Super Buu without any of the Z-Fighters absorbed).

The only reason he could injure Gohan so severlly was due to the fact he was distracted by handling (or at least starting to deal with) the weakling Shisami and was caught off-gaurd (the Dragon Ball Executives have tend to use this excuse occasionally since Battle of Gods). Shisami is indeed inferior to Piccolo in strengh, if you examine their Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' movie battle you can see Piccolo was exhausted from fighting 170 Frieza Soldiers before Shisami pops into the battle field, and was clearly holding him on his (tired) own before Gohan decided there's no need of taking a risk with him. I'd take Volume 'F' claims of Shisami was able of taking Piccolo down due to having bigger power ("being superior in strengh") than the Super Namek in serious disbelief. Even if he was the original Frieza's punching bag for four months.

The fact Sorbet was amazed Tagoma surpassed the entire Ginyu Force while checking him up on his Scouter while prepering to fight the Z-Fighters means Shisami didn't/couldn't surpass them even after his 4 months of training prior the invasion to Earth.
Just as the 5 Z-Fighters prepare to take on the trashtalking Tagoma head on, probably believing they would win with joined might, SSJ Gotenks appears and headbutt him in the crouch, causing him to go from a flameboyant/taunting badass to a complete loser almost crying while reeling on the ground.

The only reason he could injure Gohan so severlly was due to the fact he was distracted by handling (or at least starting to deal with) the weakling Shisami and was caught off-gaurd (the Dragon Ball Executives have tend to use this excuse occasionally since Battle of Gods). Shisami is indeed inferior to Piccolo in strengh, if you examine their Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' movie battle you can see Piccolo was exhausted from fighting 170 Frieza Soldiers before Shisami pops into the battle field, and was clearly holding him on his (tired) own before Gohan decided there's no need of taking a risk with him. I'd take Volume 'F' claims of Shisami was able of taking Piccolo down due to having bigger power ("being superior in strengh") than the Super Namek in serious disbelief. Even if he was the original Frieza's punching bag for four months.

The fact Sorbet was amazed Tagoma surpassed the entire Ginyu Force while checking him up on his Scouter while prepering to fight the Z-Fighters means Shisami didn't/couldn't surpass them even after his 4 months of training prior the invasion to Earth.
Just as the 5 Z-Fighters prepare to take on the trashtalking Tagoma head on, probably believing they would win with joined might, SSJ Gotenks appears and headbutt him in the crouch, causing him to go from a flameboyant/taunting badass to a complete loser almost crying while reeling on the ground.

I'd say Ginyu in Tagoma's body, with the further power boost he went through (due to being naturally better fighter/more skilled energy manipulator than Tagoma), is at the same tier as Majin Buu when he first appeared out of his cacoon.

Considering Ginyu's superiority in strengh in comparison to Tagoma, his quick attack after powering up wasn't enough to kill any of the 5 Z-Fighters: Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien & Master Roshi, despite the last two were injured enough for Gohan to tell them to stay aside and rest after they'll use a Senzu Bean to heal themselves while he will take Ginyu head on. Ginyu-Tagoma is stronger considerablly than base form Gohan who got out of shape due to spending his time over his academic carear other than training but is NO MATCH for the Super Sayian form of Goku's eldest son, who EASILY takes him out in 2 blows before sparring him and ask him to leave the Earth if he knows what's good for him. This act of kindness angers Frieza who decided to step in and kill Gohan instead of Captain Ginyu, as Ginyu in Tagoma's body holds off Piccolo & Krillin who wanted to aid Gohan against the evil tyrant.

Sayian Beyond "god" Vegeta is not so nice as Gohan and right after teleporting back to Earth and realizing Ginyu is back and looks for revenge at him and Son Goku for trapping him in the body of a Namekian Frog for 17 years, the Saiyan prince swiftly moves towards him and blasts him away with an energy wave, allegedly killing him (according to Goku). TBH I really hope that Toei will know how to use a character with a depth like Ginyu and to make an excuse how he didn't truely died despite being seriously injured by this ki wave.

Considering Ginyu's superiority in strengh in comparison to Tagoma, his quick attack after powering up wasn't enough to kill any of the 5 Z-Fighters: Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien & Master Roshi, despite the last two were injured enough for Gohan to tell them to stay aside and rest after they'll use a Senzu Bean to heal themselves while he will take Ginyu head on. Ginyu-Tagoma is stronger considerablly than base form Gohan who got out of shape due to spending his time over his academic carear other than training but is NO MATCH for the Super Sayian form of Goku's eldest son, who EASILY takes him out in 2 blows before sparring him and ask him to leave the Earth if he knows what's good for him. This act of kindness angers Frieza who decided to step in and kill Gohan instead of Captain Ginyu, as Ginyu in Tagoma's body holds off Piccolo & Krillin who wanted to aid Gohan against the evil tyrant.

Sayian Beyond "god" Vegeta is not so nice as Gohan and right after teleporting back to Earth and realizing Ginyu is back and looks for revenge at him and Son Goku for trapping him in the body of a Namekian Frog for 17 years, the Saiyan prince swiftly moves towards him and blasts him away with an energy wave, allegedly killing him (according to Goku). TBH I really hope that Toei will know how to use a character with a depth like Ginyu and to make an excuse how he didn't truely died despite being seriously injured by this ki wave.
These are the HYPOTHETICAL power levels I'd give to all the listed above:
Fusion Saga & Kid Buu Saga - Age 774:
- Dabura: 950,000,000 (said to be on Super Perfect Cell's tier, but by DBZ logic of plot running he'd be bit stronger)
- Trunks: 380,000
- Goten: 350,000
- Gotenks (fat): 950,000
- Gotenks (thin/old): 670,000
- Gotenks (Base Form): 18,000,000
- Majin Buu (calm & heavily holds back against Gotenks): 380,000,000
- Majin Buu's rage over Bee & Satan's injuries (true power of this form including the evil part): 2,000,000,000
- Fat/Good Buu: 1,000,000,000
- Thin/Evil Buu: 1,100,000,000
- Master Roshi: 150 (I assume he did got a little stronger over the years from his 139 rate)
- Krillin: 275,000,000
- Android #18: 450,000,000
- Yamcha: 6,000,000
- Super Buu (Base Form): 2,100,000,000
- Super Buu's Human Extinction Attack: 2,400,000,000
- Tien: 250,000,000
- Chiaotzu: 5,000,000
- Trunks (post Room of Spirit & Time training): 450,000 (based on the fact they were only on 1st Form Frieza tier 2 years later in the 2008 OVA)
- Goten (post training): 400,000
- Gotenks (Base Form post training): 25,000,000
- Gotenks (Super Sayian): 1,250,000,000
- Super Buu's dimensional opening scream: 2,600,000,000 {a burst of a moment}
- Gotenks (Super Saiyan 3): 2,150,000,000
- Piccolo: 600,000,000
- SSJ 3 Gotenks & Piccolo's dimenosional opening scream: 2,750,000,000
- Super Buu after SSJ 3 Gotenks fight at Kami's Lookout's debris injured him: 2,300,000,000
- Gohan (base form before the Old Kaioshin's potential unlockment): 15,000,000
- Kibito: 540,000,000
- Kaioshin: 800,000,000
- Old Kaioshin: 13,000,000
- Ultimate/Mystic Gohan: 2,500,000,000
- Kibito-Kai (demonstration of Potara fusion): 1,340,000,000
- Super Buu (Gotenks & Piccolo absorbed): 4,700,000,000
- Mystic Gohan heavily injured: 1,800,000,000
- Tien's Tri-Beam to save Gohan: 1,500,000,000
- Ultimate Gohan after Dende heals him: 2,800,000,000
- Goku (revived using a Destrecto Disc): 300,000,000
- Tien (dying from Super Buu's legs kick): ~3
- Tien after Dende heals him: 250,000,000
- Super Buu (Piccolo, Goten & Trunks absorbed): 2,700,000,000
- Super Buu (Gohan, Piccolo, Goten & Trunks absorbed): 5,200,000,000
- Goku (base): 40,000,000
- Vegeta (base): 35,000,000
- Super Sayian Goku: 2,000,000,000
- Super Sayian Vegeta: 1,750,000,000
- Vegetto: 6,500,000,000
- Super Buu transforms into Kid Buu (after all absrobed were released): 5,300,000,000
- Kid Buu: 5,500,000,000
- Krillin (on the Grand Kai's planet): 300,000,000
- Yamcha (on the Grand Kai's planet): 240,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Goku (on the Kaioshin's planet): 3,000,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Vegeta (on the Kaioshin's planet): 2,750,000,000
- Super Sayian 3 Goku: 5,000,000,000
- Guldo in hell: 135,000
- Recoome in hell: 400,000
- Burter in hell: 450,000
- Jeice in hell: 500,000
- Frieza in hell: 180,000,000
- Goku's Final Spirit Bomb: 6,000,000,000
Frieza's Resurrection - Age 779:
- Tagoma (upon Frieza's revival): 22,500
- Shisami (upon Frieza's revival): 21,500
- Sorbet (upon Frieza's revival): 84,000
- Frieza (1st form regenerated - "a bit rusty"): 490,000
- Gohan (slacked training): 25,000,000
- Piccolo (out of shape): 450,000,000
- Krillin (out of shape): 125,000,000
- Android 18 (out of shape): 400,000,000
- Tien (out of shape): 100,000,000
- Chiaotzu (out of shape, Fukkatsu No 'F' manga only): 2,000,000
- Master Roshi: 1,000
- Master Roshi (buffed): 10,000
- Jaco: 1,020
- Mr. Buu: 1,150,000,000
- 1000 Frieza soldiers Army: 1,000 (70% of total men) - 3,000 ("strongest"=30% of henchmen)
- Krillin (stunned by fear of Frieza - DBS ONLY): 2,000
- Krillin (reliefed after Tien saved him - DBS ONLY): 3,000
- Krillin fears Frieza's 16 men surrounding him in DBS: 2,100
- Frieza's pink bully soldier against Krillin: 3,000
- Krillin realizes Frieza's bully soldier is just a weakling in DBS: 6,000
- Krillin after Master Roshi explained him he's far stronger than Frieza's soldiers: 18,000 (DBS)
- Frieza's mercenaries (wearing new model battle armor in the RoF manga&movie): 5,000-10,000
- Krillin (supressed): 80,000
- Tien (supressed): 70,000
- Gohan (holds himself vs. Frieza's goons & Shisami): 170,000 -> 210,000
- Piccolo (supressed against the lackies & tired vs. Shisami in the movie): 240,000 -> 200,000
- Sorbet (post 4 months): 300,000
- Shisami (post training): 230,000 (less than the Ginyus' combined minimum of 268,500)
- Gohan starting to get serious vs. Shisami (threatens him to give up): 250,000
- Gohan powers up against Shisami: 450,000 (somehow kept his guard down)
- Tagoma's dirty blast: 500,000
- Shisami dying after Tagoma's sneak attack: 0.2 {also his power level after SSJ Gohan took him out with one blow in the film}
- Gohan realizes he got hit too: 1,000 and drops quickly
- Tagoma (holds back while standing to be scanned by Sorbet's scouter): 350,000
- Gohan after his heart stopped beating: 0.3 [barely holds on till Piccolo's Kiai]
- Gohan after Senzu Bean: 30,000,000
- Tagoma (full power post training/"Body of Steel"): 700,000,000 - 900,000,000 tier
- Goten: 500,000
- Trunks: 550,000
- Piccolo (powered up to max): 500,000,000
- Piccolo (injured by Tagoma): 300,000,000
- Gohan's rescue ki blast: 600,000,000
- Piccolo (post Tagoma's attack - barely holds his own): 1,500,000
- Piccolo (after Senzu): 550,000,000
- Gotenks (SSJ): 950,000,000
- Frog-Ginyu: 0.16
- Tagoma as a Namekian frog: 0.00004
- Ginyu in Tagoma's body (not accustomed): 800,000,000
- Ginyu-Tagoma attacks the Z-Fighters (post power up): 1,000,000,000
- Tien after Ginyu's assult: 15,000 [too brutal for him, barely holds on with the fight]
- Piccolo after Ginyu's attack: 1,000,000 [holds on, realizes Ginyu is stronger than Tagoma was]
- Master Roshi after Ginyu's attack: 700 [can't hold on, barely alive]
- Krillin after Ginyu's attack: 300,000 [takes less damage than the other humans]
- Gohan after Ginyu's attack: 1,100,000 [holds on, back to himself after breathing]
- Krillin after Senzu: 130,000,000
- Tien after Senzu: 120,000,000
- Kamesennin after Senzu: 1,500
- Master Roshi powers up to MAX to call Goku & Vegeta (RoF movie ONLY!): 100,000
- Gohan fighting Ginyu-Tagoma: 300,000,000 - 700,000,000 (taps into his "Mystic" form as he powers up w each pounch, yet due to his lack of training he can't unleash his full power)
- Ginyu in Tagoma's body (accustomed): 1,080,000,000
- Gohan (back on his feet injured after Ginyu's attacks on him): 25,000,000
- Gohan (Super Sayian): 1,250,000,000
- Frieza (1st form post his "special" training): 1,500,000,000
- Frieza's barrage of Death Beams: 1,750,000,000 -> 1,900,000,000
- SSJ Gohan injured by Frieza's barrage of Death Beams: 1,000,000,000 -> 700,000,000
- Injured Gohan reverted back to normal: 14,000,000 and dropps
- Frieza's most powerful death beam (hits & kills Piccolo): 2,000,000,000
- Gohan charging up to max to call Goku & Vegeta from Beerus' Planet: 3,000,000,000 [erruption of anger]
- Gohan's body collapses: all the way to ~1
- Goku (Sayian Beyond "god"): 2,500,000,000
- Vegeta (Sayian Beyond "god"): 2,450,000,000
- Gohan after a 2nd Senzu Bean: 50,000,000
- Frieza in his final form: 2,400,000,000
- Goku as a Super Sayian god Super Sayian: 7,500,000,000
- Golden Frieza: 7,600,000,000
- Golden Frieza (stamina begins to fall): 7,400,000,000
- Golden Frieza (stamina dropping fast before Sorbet steps in): 6,500,000,000
- Goku after Sorbet's bad ring laser caught him off-gaurd: 3,000,000,000 and dropping fast to 800,000,000 due to Frieza's torturing him
- Goku after Senzu: 2,800,000,000
- Golden Frieza vs Vegeta: 6,250,000,000
- Vegeta as a Super Sayian god Super Sayian: 7,300,000,000
- Frieza reverts back to his fourth form: 2,000,000,000 [powerless]
- Goku's conclusive Kamehameha: 8,000,000,000