יום רביעי, 27 ביולי 2016
***"לוגסי, תרבות" (מדור חדש בפייסבוק שלי)***
היסחפות מיותרת. המקור לכל ההמולה בקושי מופיע לעשירית שנייה. זה שיש טקסט בלתי-קריא (לכאורה מסולסל) שמעוטר ב"תבנית" ירוקה לא אומר שמדובר בקוראן (ה-Template הזה לא שלהם בטאבו), אם בשביל זה מבטלים חוזה העסקה של אולפן שנראה שעשה עבודה טובה (מקצועית, גם אם גדלתם על הסדרה המקורית שהייתה ב-Stop-Motion, שלא להזכיר שבסדרה אין בכלל דמות מוסלמית או מהעולם הלא-אירופי שיכלה "להשחיל" את הקוראן אל הקאסט), החברה המערבית (אליה מאטל שייכת) צריכה לשאול עצמה כמה שאלות: 1) למה האופציה הקלה שלה היא להתקפל מפחד על משהו שהוא ספק (!!!!) גזעני ולבצע צעדים קיצוניים כ"כ במקום להשתמש בטיעון המאוד ברור שהבאתי לעיל? (רוצה להאמין שדובר ומחלקה משפטית שעומדים לראשות חברות בסדר גודל כזה יכולים להבין מה שמתבונן מהצד רואה בבירור)
2) למה למוסלמים מותר להפיק בערוצי טלוויזיה רשמיים סדרות וסרטי אנימציה ולייב-אקשן כאחד המלגלגות על דתות/עמים/תרבויות אחרות (כאמור: במימון ממשלתי) שעוברים במדיה העולמית, שמנטרת ערוצים אלה בחיפוש אחר אייטמים, כאילו כלום והחיים נמשכים להם ואילו כשעולה ספק שמישהו מ"שלנו" עושה משהו כזה (שוב, לא נראה שזו כוונת הצוות שהכין את הסצנה הספציפית הזו) אנו רוכנים ראש (מפטרים עשרות אנשים שמרוויחים את לחמם בכבוד ובעיצוב הילדות של הדור הנוכחי) ומבקשים סליחה?

הר-הצופים, אוטוביוגרפיה.
המקום הזה אפור, הייתי התלמיד המצטיין בכיתה בתיכון, השקעתי כמו שאף אחד סביבי לא השקיע וכל זאת כדיי להגיע לפה, כיום אחרי 3 שנים פה אני מבין שהמקום הזה (לפחות הקמפוס הזה שמשמש מקום "לימודים" או יותר נכון: בזבוז זמן במסווה של אקדמיה לאנשים שבאים להשיג תארים במקצועות לא מועילים לאנושות ולא פרודוקטיביים בניגוד לגבעת רם או לעין כרם ורחובות) מיותר ושצריך לסגור אותו, החלום הרטוב שלי הוא שיקימו שם אזור תיירות במקום.
יום רביעי, 20 ביולי 2016
The newly re-animated version of Dragon Ball Super Resurrection 'F' Saga is AWESOME!
יום שבת, 16 ביולי 2016
יום רביעי, 13 ביולי 2016
Recoome's race fan made information page by me
I first noticed that blonde Recoome-esque in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' back in May 2015, I've uploaded it's screen captions to that lame Dragon Ball wikia site in June 29th that year, and started to create a background for him: naming him "Chedda" after Cheddar cheese, making him Recoome's younger brother which may explain why he was the only movie Frieza soldier out of 1000 men army to be wearing Sorbet's elites battle armor ("the strengh runs in the family's genes, mate"), and coined a name for their race: "Golen-Seijin" after the Hebrew word "Golem" (large, strong and dumb mythical mud made underling).
Later I thought it'll be best to name these hulking brutes: Brutus-Seijin like Brutus from "Popeye".
יום שישי, 1 ביולי 2016
Dragon Ball GT - Black Star Dragon Balls Saga & Baby Saga HYPOTHETICAL Power Levels (5 years since the ORIGINAL ending of DBZ, no Super things/improvements here)
Kami's Lookout, AGE 789 {"10 years past DBZ" according to Funimation dub}:
Son Goku (52 years old): 15,000,000,000
Uub (15 years old): 10,000,000,000
Pilaf (old): 31
Mai (old): 17
Shu (old): 14
Pilaf Gang robot: 1,500
Pilaf Gang robot's missiles: 150,000 each (based upon Goku's struggle to stop it)
Dende (prime): 40,000
Mr. Popo (weakened over the years): 60,000
Ultimate Shenron: 130,000,000
Son Goku turned into a child: 400,000,000
In Satan City & West City:

In Satan City & West City:
Master Roshi: 1,000
Chi-Chi: 30
Bulma: 15
Son Gohan (32 years old): 400,000,000
Videl: 60
Pan (11 years old): 50,000,000
Vegeta (57 years old, rusty): 900,000,000
Trunks (23 years old): 70,000,000
Goten (22 years old): 65,000,000
On Imeca:
Giru (hungy): 30
Giru after absorbing the Dragon Radar: 300
Common Imecians: 40-70
Imecian police: 300 each
Imecian Army soldiers: 500 each
Don Kee: 720
Gale: 4,000
Sheela: 4,500
Gale & Sheela's combined energy wave: 9,000
Goku's Kamehameha (0.1%): 400,000
Ledgic (hiding his true power): 1,000,000
Ledgic (50% serious, vs Trunks): 500,000,000
Son Goku (power rising as fighting): 400,000,000 - > 800,000,000
Ledgic (100%): 1,000,000,000
Super Sayian Goku: 20,000,000,000
Ledgic after his defeat: 100,000,000
On Planet Monmaasu:
Giant: 4,000,000,000
Giant Oryx: 700,000,000
Giant's peer (GT promotional art): 4,000,000,000
Dragon Turtle: 54,000,000
Giant Spider: 5,000,000
Giant bees: 300,000 - 500,000 each
Giant Oryx: 700,000,000
Giant's peer (GT promotional art): 4,000,000,000
Dragon Turtle: 54,000,000
Giant Spider: 5,000,000
Giant bees: 300,000 - 500,000 each
Goku's Kamehameha against the Giant's tooth: 550,000,000
On Planet Gelbo:
Gelbo Elder: 70
Leena: 45
Doma: 275
Common Gelbo: 100
Zoonama: 5,000
Trunks dressed as a bride (hides his true ki): 3,000
Goku's mild Kamehameha: 42,000,000
Royal Zoonamites:460
Fire Zoonamites: 520
Polar Zoonamites: 600
Bon Para disguised as Gelboian: 3,000
On Planet Beehay:

Mouma: 640,000,000 - 800,000,000 each
Goku: 450,000,000
Goku's Kamehameha: 700,000,000
Trunks: 75,000,000
Pan: 55.000.000
Bon Para: 3,000
Don Para: 2,700
Son Para: 2,300
Son Goku under Para Brothers' dance spell: 4,000
Trunks under Para Brothers' dance spell: 7,000
Pan under Para Brothers' dance spell: 5,000
On Planet Luud:

Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy: 750,000
Follower who got turned to a puppet: 10,000
Luud cult followers: 74-150
Doll Taki: 250
Mutchy: 150,000,000
Leon: 57,000,000
Luud as a statue: 0.00000003 (hides his ki)
Luud activated: 3,000,000,000
Luud's true form: 5,550,000,000
Goku: 580,000,000
Goku's 1st attack on Luud: 1,580,000,000
Pan's 1st attack on Luud: 150,000,000
Goku's 2nd attack on Luud: 3,000,000,000
Pan's 2nd attack on Luud: 250,000,000
Luud's being attacked at the same time: 2,100,000,000 and drops to 0 as he's destroyed & his gathered energy transferred to Baby
Dr. Myuu: 250,000,000
General Rildo: 6,000,000,000 (stated to be stronger than Majin [=Kid] Buu in his base form)
On Planet Rudeeze:

Goku dehydrated: 40,000,000
Trunks dehydrated: 1,780,000
Pan dehydrated: 300,000
Pan after Giru brought her water: 67,000,000
Goku after drinking water: 700,000,000
Trunks after drinking water: 95,000,000
Scorpulon: 78,000,000
On Planet M2:

Goku: 900,000,000
Trunks: 125,000,000
Pan: 85,000,000
Common Machine Mutants: 600-1000
Commander Nezi: 10,000,000
Ribet: 5,000,000
Bizu: 2,500,000
Natt: 1,500,000
Sigma Force Super Cannon: 600,000,000
SSJ Trunks: 650,000,000
Rildo (calm to serious): 4,000,000 - 6,000,000,000
SSJ Goku: 45,000,000,000
Hyper-Meta Rildo: 35,000,000,000
Meta-Rildo: 80,000,000,000
Super Sayian 2 Goku: 90,000,000,000
Baby in his tank: 20
Baby awaken: 200,000 & quickly rises
Baby vs. Z-Fighters: 450,000 & rises
Baby recovers after the Z-Fighters' attack: 1,000,000 & rising (out of Dr. Myuu's body)
Rildo back in his base form: 6,000,000,000
Goku, Trunks & Pan's Trio Kamehameha: 7,000,000,000
Baby after he gets out of Rildo's shattered body: 5,000,000 & rises
Deserted Spaceship:

HWM 100 X (robot on board): 1,250,000,000
Pan: 87,000,000
Goku: 910,000,000
Trunks: 150,000,000
Unnamed Alien Boy (injured, yet under Baby's control): 1.3
Baby: 7,100,000
On Planet Pital:

Green alien boy after recovery: 13
Alien Doctor: 30
Alien Nurse: 25
Baby after possessing the medical staff & Trunks: 65,000,000
Planet Tigere:

Giant Tiger: 460,000,000
Planet Polaris:

Yeti Beast: 760,000,000
Baby Saga (One year after the Black Star balls crisis started):

Common Earthlings: 2-18
Valese: 2
Goten: 65,000,000
Baby: 75,000,000
Goten (suppressed): 120
Baby possessed Humans: 90 (bully), 70 (nerd), 80 (punk), 100 (school boy)
Goten (off guard): 60
SSJ Goten: 3,250,000,000
SSJ Goten's Kamehameha: 4,000,000,000
SSJ Goten's powers drawn to it's limits by Baby: 5,000,000,000
Gohan: 500,000,000
SSJ Gohan: 25,000,000,000
SSJ Gohan's Kamehameha under Baby's controll: 35,000,000.000
Piccolo: 1,000,000,000
Piccolo after Baby-Gohan's attack: 1,000 {barely escapes with his life}
Vegeta: 900,000,000
Bulla: 4,500,000
SSJ Vegeta: 45,000,000,000
SSJ 2 Vegeta: 90,000,000,000
SSJ2 Gohan & Goten under Baby's control: 55,000,000,000
Baby Vegeta: 1,250,000,000
Super Sayian Baby Vegeta: 62,500,000,000
Goku steps in:

Baby Trunks: 200,000,000
SSJ Baby Trunks: 10,000,000,000
Baby Bulla: 6,000,000
Super Baby Vegeta (transformed after he got ki from his Sayian underlings): 70,000,000.000
Goku: 1,000,000,000
SSJ Goku: 50,000,000,000
SSJ 2 Goku: 100,000,000,000
SSJ 3 kid Goku: 400,000,000 drops to 250,000,000,000 (when fights injured)
Super Baby Vegeta 2 (after he gained energy from all his mind slaves worldwide): 500,000,000,000
Mr. Satan (54 years old): 70
Fat/Good Majin Buu: 2,000,000,000
Baby Videl: 100
Uub: 10,100,000,000
Uub defeated: 100,000,000
Majuub: 450,000,000,000
Super Baby Vegeta 2's Revenge Death Ball: 700,000,000,000
Majuub after he got hitted by his own Chocolate Beam: 0.6
Goku after Baby defeated him: 625,000,000 and drops as he's accepting his fate to come
In the Supreme Kai's realm:

Kibito Kai: 900,000,000
Goku being healed by Kibito Kai: 1,000,000,000
Old Kai: 10,000,000
Sugoro in his humanoid form: 200
Sugoro in his true form: 250
Shusugoro: 150
Goku after his tail was taken out of his body: 1,000,100,000
Goku vs. Baby (final bout/round two):

SSJ Goku with tail: 50,005,000,000
SSJ2 Goku with tail: 100,010,000,000
SSJ3 Goku with tail: 400,040,000,000
Golden Great Ape Son Goku: 650,000,000,000
Super Sayian 4 Goku: 750,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku's Kamehameha x10: 7,500,000,000,000
Golden Ape Baby Vegeta: 850,000,000,000
Golden Ape Baby Vegeta's Super Galic Gun: 7,900,000,000,000 (aimed at the Earth)
SSJ 4 Goku powerless & about to meet his end: 100,000,000,000
Baby Vegeta after Trunks blinded him by shooting one of his eyes: 1,000,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku while Gohan, Goten & Trunks transferred him their ki: 600,000,000,000 and rising
Golden Ozaru Baby Vegeta after Majuub's attack on him from within: 700,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku after Gohan, Goten & Trunks transferred him their energy: 800,000,000,000
Golden Ozaru Baby Vegeta defated (tail cutted off): 450,000,000,000 and drops all the way as his body shrinks
Vegeta knocked out after Baby leaves his body: 10
Adult form Baby: 1,950,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku's conclussive x10 Kamehameha: 8,000,000,000,000 (killing Baby by sending him to the sun)
Battle Aftermath:

Krillin (53 years old): 25,000,000
Android 18: 380,000,000 (weakened due to aging)
Marron: 13
Yamcha (57 years old): 15,000,000
Tien (57 years old): 20,000,000
Chiaotzu (52 years old): 2,500,000
Puar: 3
Oolong: 4
Android 8: 60
Snow: 5
Upa (50 years old): 40
Bora (~75-80 years old): 35
Common humans: 2-18
SSJ 4 Goku (after many teleportations, about to run out of energy): 750,000,000
Goku (powerless): 1,000,000
Piccolo: 600,000,000
Piccolo after giving Goku his energy for the last teleport: 200,000,000
Goku charged by Piccolo: 401,000,000
Piccolo dying before Earth explodes: 130,000,000 and dropping
Gohan torn apart of Piccolo's death: 12,000,000
Goku's mild Kamehameha: 42,000,000
Royal Zoonamites:460
Fire Zoonamites: 520
Polar Zoonamites: 600
Bon Para disguised as Gelboian: 3,000
On Planet Beehay:
Mouma: 640,000,000 - 800,000,000 each
Goku: 450,000,000
Goku's Kamehameha: 700,000,000
Trunks: 75,000,000
Pan: 55.000.000
Bon Para: 3,000
Don Para: 2,700
Son Para: 2,300
Son Goku under Para Brothers' dance spell: 4,000
Trunks under Para Brothers' dance spell: 7,000
Pan under Para Brothers' dance spell: 5,000
On Planet Luud:
Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy: 750,000
Follower who got turned to a puppet: 10,000
Luud cult followers: 74-150
Doll Taki: 250
Mutchy: 150,000,000
Leon: 57,000,000
Luud as a statue: 0.00000003 (hides his ki)
Luud activated: 3,000,000,000
Luud's true form: 5,550,000,000
Goku: 580,000,000
Goku's 1st attack on Luud: 1,580,000,000
Pan's 1st attack on Luud: 150,000,000
Goku's 2nd attack on Luud: 3,000,000,000
Pan's 2nd attack on Luud: 250,000,000
Luud's being attacked at the same time: 2,100,000,000 and drops to 0 as he's destroyed & his gathered energy transferred to Baby
Dr. Myuu: 250,000,000
General Rildo: 6,000,000,000 (stated to be stronger than Majin [=Kid] Buu in his base form)
On Planet Rudeeze:
Goku dehydrated: 40,000,000
Trunks dehydrated: 1,780,000
Pan dehydrated: 300,000
Pan after Giru brought her water: 67,000,000
Goku after drinking water: 700,000,000
Trunks after drinking water: 95,000,000
Scorpulon: 78,000,000
On Planet M2:
Goku: 900,000,000
Trunks: 125,000,000
Pan: 85,000,000
Common Machine Mutants: 600-1000
Commander Nezi: 10,000,000
Ribet: 5,000,000
Bizu: 2,500,000
Natt: 1,500,000
Sigma Force Super Cannon: 600,000,000
SSJ Trunks: 650,000,000
Rildo (calm to serious): 4,000,000 - 6,000,000,000
SSJ Goku: 45,000,000,000
Hyper-Meta Rildo: 35,000,000,000
Meta-Rildo: 80,000,000,000
Super Sayian 2 Goku: 90,000,000,000
Baby in his tank: 20
Baby awaken: 200,000 & quickly rises
Baby vs. Z-Fighters: 450,000 & rises
Baby recovers after the Z-Fighters' attack: 1,000,000 & rising (out of Dr. Myuu's body)
Rildo back in his base form: 6,000,000,000
Goku, Trunks & Pan's Trio Kamehameha: 7,000,000,000
Baby after he gets out of Rildo's shattered body: 5,000,000 & rises
Deserted Spaceship:
HWM 100 X (robot on board): 1,250,000,000
Pan: 87,000,000
Goku: 910,000,000
Trunks: 150,000,000
Unnamed Alien Boy (injured, yet under Baby's control): 1.3
Baby: 7,100,000
On Planet Pital:
Green alien boy after recovery: 13
Alien Doctor: 30
Alien Nurse: 25
Baby after possessing the medical staff & Trunks: 65,000,000
Planet Tigere:
Giant Tiger: 460,000,000
Planet Polaris:
Yeti Beast: 760,000,000
Baby Saga (One year after the Black Star balls crisis started):
Common Earthlings: 2-18
Valese: 2
Goten: 65,000,000
Baby: 75,000,000
Goten (suppressed): 120
Baby possessed Humans: 90 (bully), 70 (nerd), 80 (punk), 100 (school boy)
Goten (off guard): 60
SSJ Goten: 3,250,000,000
SSJ Goten's Kamehameha: 4,000,000,000
SSJ Goten's powers drawn to it's limits by Baby: 5,000,000,000
Gohan: 500,000,000
SSJ Gohan: 25,000,000,000
SSJ Gohan's Kamehameha under Baby's controll: 35,000,000.000
Piccolo: 1,000,000,000
Piccolo after Baby-Gohan's attack: 1,000 {barely escapes with his life}
Vegeta: 900,000,000
Bulla: 4,500,000
SSJ Vegeta: 45,000,000,000
SSJ 2 Vegeta: 90,000,000,000
SSJ2 Gohan & Goten under Baby's control: 55,000,000,000
Baby Vegeta: 1,250,000,000
Super Sayian Baby Vegeta: 62,500,000,000
Goku steps in:
Baby Trunks: 200,000,000
SSJ Baby Trunks: 10,000,000,000
Baby Bulla: 6,000,000
Super Baby Vegeta (transformed after he got ki from his Sayian underlings): 70,000,000.000
Goku: 1,000,000,000
SSJ Goku: 50,000,000,000
SSJ 2 Goku: 100,000,000,000
SSJ 3 kid Goku: 400,000,000 drops to 250,000,000,000 (when fights injured)
Super Baby Vegeta 2 (after he gained energy from all his mind slaves worldwide): 500,000,000,000
Mr. Satan (54 years old): 70
Fat/Good Majin Buu: 2,000,000,000
Baby Videl: 100
Uub: 10,100,000,000
Uub defeated: 100,000,000
Majuub: 450,000,000,000
Super Baby Vegeta 2's Revenge Death Ball: 700,000,000,000
Majuub after he got hitted by his own Chocolate Beam: 0.6
Goku after Baby defeated him: 625,000,000 and drops as he's accepting his fate to come
In the Supreme Kai's realm:
Kibito Kai: 900,000,000
Goku being healed by Kibito Kai: 1,000,000,000
Old Kai: 10,000,000
Sugoro in his humanoid form: 200
Sugoro in his true form: 250
Shusugoro: 150
Goku after his tail was taken out of his body: 1,000,100,000
Goku vs. Baby (final bout/round two):
SSJ Goku with tail: 50,005,000,000
SSJ2 Goku with tail: 100,010,000,000
SSJ3 Goku with tail: 400,040,000,000
Golden Great Ape Son Goku: 650,000,000,000
Super Sayian 4 Goku: 750,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku's Kamehameha x10: 7,500,000,000,000
Golden Ape Baby Vegeta: 850,000,000,000
Golden Ape Baby Vegeta's Super Galic Gun: 7,900,000,000,000 (aimed at the Earth)
SSJ 4 Goku powerless & about to meet his end: 100,000,000,000
Baby Vegeta after Trunks blinded him by shooting one of his eyes: 1,000,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku while Gohan, Goten & Trunks transferred him their ki: 600,000,000,000 and rising
Golden Ozaru Baby Vegeta after Majuub's attack on him from within: 700,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku after Gohan, Goten & Trunks transferred him their energy: 800,000,000,000
Golden Ozaru Baby Vegeta defated (tail cutted off): 450,000,000,000 and drops all the way as his body shrinks
Vegeta knocked out after Baby leaves his body: 10
Adult form Baby: 1,950,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku's conclussive x10 Kamehameha: 8,000,000,000,000 (killing Baby by sending him to the sun)
Battle Aftermath:
Krillin (53 years old): 25,000,000
Android 18: 380,000,000 (weakened due to aging)
Marron: 13
Yamcha (57 years old): 15,000,000
Tien (57 years old): 20,000,000
Chiaotzu (52 years old): 2,500,000
Puar: 3
Oolong: 4
Android 8: 60
Snow: 5
Upa (50 years old): 40
Bora (~75-80 years old): 35
Common humans: 2-18
SSJ 4 Goku (after many teleportations, about to run out of energy): 750,000,000
Goku (powerless): 1,000,000
Piccolo: 600,000,000
Piccolo after giving Goku his energy for the last teleport: 200,000,000
Goku charged by Piccolo: 401,000,000
Piccolo dying before Earth explodes: 130,000,000 and dropping
Gohan torn apart of Piccolo's death: 12,000,000
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רשומות (Atom)