Kami's Lookout, AGE 789 {"10 years past DBZ" according to Funimation dub}:
Son Goku (52 years old): 15,000,000,000
Uub (15 years old): 10,000,000,000
Pilaf (old): 31
Mai (old): 17
Shu (old): 14
Pilaf Gang robot: 1,500
Pilaf Gang robot's missiles: 150,000 each (based upon Goku's struggle to stop it)
Dende (prime): 40,000
Mr. Popo (weakened over the years): 60,000
Ultimate Shenron: 130,000,000
Son Goku turned into a child: 400,000,000
In Satan City & West City:

In Satan City & West City:
Master Roshi: 1,000
Chi-Chi: 30
Bulma: 15
Son Gohan (32 years old): 400,000,000
Videl: 60
Pan (11 years old): 50,000,000
Vegeta (57 years old, rusty): 900,000,000
Trunks (23 years old): 70,000,000
Goten (22 years old): 65,000,000
On Imeca:
Giru (hungy): 30
Giru after absorbing the Dragon Radar: 300
Common Imecians: 40-70
Imecian police: 300 each
Imecian Army soldiers: 500 each
Don Kee: 720
Gale: 4,000
Sheela: 4,500
Gale & Sheela's combined energy wave: 9,000
Goku's Kamehameha (0.1%): 400,000
Ledgic (hiding his true power): 1,000,000
Ledgic (50% serious, vs Trunks): 500,000,000
Son Goku (power rising as fighting): 400,000,000 - > 800,000,000
Ledgic (100%): 1,000,000,000
Super Sayian Goku: 20,000,000,000
Ledgic after his defeat: 100,000,000
On Planet Monmaasu:
Giant: 4,000,000,000
Giant Oryx: 700,000,000
Giant's peer (GT promotional art): 4,000,000,000
Dragon Turtle: 54,000,000
Giant Spider: 5,000,000
Giant bees: 300,000 - 500,000 each
Giant Oryx: 700,000,000
Giant's peer (GT promotional art): 4,000,000,000
Dragon Turtle: 54,000,000
Giant Spider: 5,000,000
Giant bees: 300,000 - 500,000 each
Goku's Kamehameha against the Giant's tooth: 550,000,000
On Planet Gelbo:
Gelbo Elder: 70
Leena: 45
Doma: 275
Common Gelbo: 100
Zoonama: 5,000
Trunks dressed as a bride (hides his true ki): 3,000
Goku's mild Kamehameha: 42,000,000
Royal Zoonamites:460
Fire Zoonamites: 520
Polar Zoonamites: 600
Bon Para disguised as Gelboian: 3,000
On Planet Beehay:

Mouma: 640,000,000 - 800,000,000 each
Goku: 450,000,000
Goku's Kamehameha: 700,000,000
Trunks: 75,000,000
Pan: 55.000.000
Bon Para: 3,000
Don Para: 2,700
Son Para: 2,300
Son Goku under Para Brothers' dance spell: 4,000
Trunks under Para Brothers' dance spell: 7,000
Pan under Para Brothers' dance spell: 5,000
On Planet Luud:

Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy: 750,000
Follower who got turned to a puppet: 10,000
Luud cult followers: 74-150
Doll Taki: 250
Mutchy: 150,000,000
Leon: 57,000,000
Luud as a statue: 0.00000003 (hides his ki)
Luud activated: 3,000,000,000
Luud's true form: 5,550,000,000
Goku: 580,000,000
Goku's 1st attack on Luud: 1,580,000,000
Pan's 1st attack on Luud: 150,000,000
Goku's 2nd attack on Luud: 3,000,000,000
Pan's 2nd attack on Luud: 250,000,000
Luud's being attacked at the same time: 2,100,000,000 and drops to 0 as he's destroyed & his gathered energy transferred to Baby
Dr. Myuu: 250,000,000
General Rildo: 6,000,000,000 (stated to be stronger than Majin [=Kid] Buu in his base form)
On Planet Rudeeze:

Goku dehydrated: 40,000,000
Trunks dehydrated: 1,780,000
Pan dehydrated: 300,000
Pan after Giru brought her water: 67,000,000
Goku after drinking water: 700,000,000
Trunks after drinking water: 95,000,000
Scorpulon: 78,000,000
On Planet M2:

Goku: 900,000,000
Trunks: 125,000,000
Pan: 85,000,000
Common Machine Mutants: 600-1000
Commander Nezi: 10,000,000
Ribet: 5,000,000
Bizu: 2,500,000
Natt: 1,500,000
Sigma Force Super Cannon: 600,000,000
SSJ Trunks: 650,000,000
Rildo (calm to serious): 4,000,000 - 6,000,000,000
SSJ Goku: 45,000,000,000
Hyper-Meta Rildo: 35,000,000,000
Meta-Rildo: 80,000,000,000
Super Sayian 2 Goku: 90,000,000,000
Baby in his tank: 20
Baby awaken: 200,000 & quickly rises
Baby vs. Z-Fighters: 450,000 & rises
Baby recovers after the Z-Fighters' attack: 1,000,000 & rising (out of Dr. Myuu's body)
Rildo back in his base form: 6,000,000,000
Goku, Trunks & Pan's Trio Kamehameha: 7,000,000,000
Baby after he gets out of Rildo's shattered body: 5,000,000 & rises
Deserted Spaceship:

HWM 100 X (robot on board): 1,250,000,000
Pan: 87,000,000
Goku: 910,000,000
Trunks: 150,000,000
Unnamed Alien Boy (injured, yet under Baby's control): 1.3
Baby: 7,100,000
On Planet Pital:

Green alien boy after recovery: 13
Alien Doctor: 30
Alien Nurse: 25
Baby after possessing the medical staff & Trunks: 65,000,000
Planet Tigere:

Giant Tiger: 460,000,000
Planet Polaris:

Yeti Beast: 760,000,000
Baby Saga (One year after the Black Star balls crisis started):

Common Earthlings: 2-18
Valese: 2
Goten: 65,000,000
Baby: 75,000,000
Goten (suppressed): 120
Baby possessed Humans: 90 (bully), 70 (nerd), 80 (punk), 100 (school boy)
Goten (off guard): 60
SSJ Goten: 3,250,000,000
SSJ Goten's Kamehameha: 4,000,000,000
SSJ Goten's powers drawn to it's limits by Baby: 5,000,000,000
Gohan: 500,000,000
SSJ Gohan: 25,000,000,000
SSJ Gohan's Kamehameha under Baby's controll: 35,000,000.000
Piccolo: 1,000,000,000
Piccolo after Baby-Gohan's attack: 1,000 {barely escapes with his life}
Vegeta: 900,000,000
Bulla: 4,500,000
SSJ Vegeta: 45,000,000,000
SSJ 2 Vegeta: 90,000,000,000
SSJ2 Gohan & Goten under Baby's control: 55,000,000,000
Baby Vegeta: 1,250,000,000
Super Sayian Baby Vegeta: 62,500,000,000
Goku steps in:

Baby Trunks: 200,000,000
SSJ Baby Trunks: 10,000,000,000
Baby Bulla: 6,000,000
Super Baby Vegeta (transformed after he got ki from his Sayian underlings): 70,000,000.000
Goku: 1,000,000,000
SSJ Goku: 50,000,000,000
SSJ 2 Goku: 100,000,000,000
SSJ 3 kid Goku: 400,000,000 drops to 250,000,000,000 (when fights injured)
Super Baby Vegeta 2 (after he gained energy from all his mind slaves worldwide): 500,000,000,000
Mr. Satan (54 years old): 70
Fat/Good Majin Buu: 2,000,000,000
Baby Videl: 100
Uub: 10,100,000,000
Uub defeated: 100,000,000
Majuub: 450,000,000,000
Super Baby Vegeta 2's Revenge Death Ball: 700,000,000,000
Majuub after he got hitted by his own Chocolate Beam: 0.6
Goku after Baby defeated him: 625,000,000 and drops as he's accepting his fate to come
In the Supreme Kai's realm:

Kibito Kai: 900,000,000
Goku being healed by Kibito Kai: 1,000,000,000
Old Kai: 10,000,000
Sugoro in his humanoid form: 200
Sugoro in his true form: 250
Shusugoro: 150
Goku after his tail was taken out of his body: 1,000,100,000
Goku vs. Baby (final bout/round two):

SSJ Goku with tail: 50,005,000,000
SSJ2 Goku with tail: 100,010,000,000
SSJ3 Goku with tail: 400,040,000,000
Golden Great Ape Son Goku: 650,000,000,000
Super Sayian 4 Goku: 750,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku's Kamehameha x10: 7,500,000,000,000
Golden Ape Baby Vegeta: 850,000,000,000
Golden Ape Baby Vegeta's Super Galic Gun: 7,900,000,000,000 (aimed at the Earth)
SSJ 4 Goku powerless & about to meet his end: 100,000,000,000
Baby Vegeta after Trunks blinded him by shooting one of his eyes: 1,000,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku while Gohan, Goten & Trunks transferred him their ki: 600,000,000,000 and rising
Golden Ozaru Baby Vegeta after Majuub's attack on him from within: 700,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku after Gohan, Goten & Trunks transferred him their energy: 800,000,000,000
Golden Ozaru Baby Vegeta defated (tail cutted off): 450,000,000,000 and drops all the way as his body shrinks
Vegeta knocked out after Baby leaves his body: 10
Adult form Baby: 1,950,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku's conclussive x10 Kamehameha: 8,000,000,000,000 (killing Baby by sending him to the sun)
Battle Aftermath:

Krillin (53 years old): 25,000,000
Android 18: 380,000,000 (weakened due to aging)
Marron: 13
Yamcha (57 years old): 15,000,000
Tien (57 years old): 20,000,000
Chiaotzu (52 years old): 2,500,000
Puar: 3
Oolong: 4
Android 8: 60
Snow: 5
Upa (50 years old): 40
Bora (~75-80 years old): 35
Common humans: 2-18
SSJ 4 Goku (after many teleportations, about to run out of energy): 750,000,000
Goku (powerless): 1,000,000
Piccolo: 600,000,000
Piccolo after giving Goku his energy for the last teleport: 200,000,000
Goku charged by Piccolo: 401,000,000
Piccolo dying before Earth explodes: 130,000,000 and dropping
Gohan torn apart of Piccolo's death: 12,000,000
Goku's mild Kamehameha: 42,000,000
Royal Zoonamites:460
Fire Zoonamites: 520
Polar Zoonamites: 600
Bon Para disguised as Gelboian: 3,000
On Planet Beehay:
Mouma: 640,000,000 - 800,000,000 each
Goku: 450,000,000
Goku's Kamehameha: 700,000,000
Trunks: 75,000,000
Pan: 55.000.000
Bon Para: 3,000
Don Para: 2,700
Son Para: 2,300
Son Goku under Para Brothers' dance spell: 4,000
Trunks under Para Brothers' dance spell: 7,000
Pan under Para Brothers' dance spell: 5,000
On Planet Luud:
Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy: 750,000
Follower who got turned to a puppet: 10,000
Luud cult followers: 74-150
Doll Taki: 250
Mutchy: 150,000,000
Leon: 57,000,000
Luud as a statue: 0.00000003 (hides his ki)
Luud activated: 3,000,000,000
Luud's true form: 5,550,000,000
Goku: 580,000,000
Goku's 1st attack on Luud: 1,580,000,000
Pan's 1st attack on Luud: 150,000,000
Goku's 2nd attack on Luud: 3,000,000,000
Pan's 2nd attack on Luud: 250,000,000
Luud's being attacked at the same time: 2,100,000,000 and drops to 0 as he's destroyed & his gathered energy transferred to Baby
Dr. Myuu: 250,000,000
General Rildo: 6,000,000,000 (stated to be stronger than Majin [=Kid] Buu in his base form)
On Planet Rudeeze:
Goku dehydrated: 40,000,000
Trunks dehydrated: 1,780,000
Pan dehydrated: 300,000
Pan after Giru brought her water: 67,000,000
Goku after drinking water: 700,000,000
Trunks after drinking water: 95,000,000
Scorpulon: 78,000,000
On Planet M2:
Goku: 900,000,000
Trunks: 125,000,000
Pan: 85,000,000
Common Machine Mutants: 600-1000
Commander Nezi: 10,000,000
Ribet: 5,000,000
Bizu: 2,500,000
Natt: 1,500,000
Sigma Force Super Cannon: 600,000,000
SSJ Trunks: 650,000,000
Rildo (calm to serious): 4,000,000 - 6,000,000,000
SSJ Goku: 45,000,000,000
Hyper-Meta Rildo: 35,000,000,000
Meta-Rildo: 80,000,000,000
Super Sayian 2 Goku: 90,000,000,000
Baby in his tank: 20
Baby awaken: 200,000 & quickly rises
Baby vs. Z-Fighters: 450,000 & rises
Baby recovers after the Z-Fighters' attack: 1,000,000 & rising (out of Dr. Myuu's body)
Rildo back in his base form: 6,000,000,000
Goku, Trunks & Pan's Trio Kamehameha: 7,000,000,000
Baby after he gets out of Rildo's shattered body: 5,000,000 & rises
Deserted Spaceship:
HWM 100 X (robot on board): 1,250,000,000
Pan: 87,000,000
Goku: 910,000,000
Trunks: 150,000,000
Unnamed Alien Boy (injured, yet under Baby's control): 1.3
Baby: 7,100,000
On Planet Pital:
Green alien boy after recovery: 13
Alien Doctor: 30
Alien Nurse: 25
Baby after possessing the medical staff & Trunks: 65,000,000
Planet Tigere:
Giant Tiger: 460,000,000
Planet Polaris:
Yeti Beast: 760,000,000
Baby Saga (One year after the Black Star balls crisis started):
Common Earthlings: 2-18
Valese: 2
Goten: 65,000,000
Baby: 75,000,000
Goten (suppressed): 120
Baby possessed Humans: 90 (bully), 70 (nerd), 80 (punk), 100 (school boy)
Goten (off guard): 60
SSJ Goten: 3,250,000,000
SSJ Goten's Kamehameha: 4,000,000,000
SSJ Goten's powers drawn to it's limits by Baby: 5,000,000,000
Gohan: 500,000,000
SSJ Gohan: 25,000,000,000
SSJ Gohan's Kamehameha under Baby's controll: 35,000,000.000
Piccolo: 1,000,000,000
Piccolo after Baby-Gohan's attack: 1,000 {barely escapes with his life}
Vegeta: 900,000,000
Bulla: 4,500,000
SSJ Vegeta: 45,000,000,000
SSJ 2 Vegeta: 90,000,000,000
SSJ2 Gohan & Goten under Baby's control: 55,000,000,000
Baby Vegeta: 1,250,000,000
Super Sayian Baby Vegeta: 62,500,000,000
Goku steps in:
Baby Trunks: 200,000,000
SSJ Baby Trunks: 10,000,000,000
Baby Bulla: 6,000,000
Super Baby Vegeta (transformed after he got ki from his Sayian underlings): 70,000,000.000
Goku: 1,000,000,000
SSJ Goku: 50,000,000,000
SSJ 2 Goku: 100,000,000,000
SSJ 3 kid Goku: 400,000,000 drops to 250,000,000,000 (when fights injured)
Super Baby Vegeta 2 (after he gained energy from all his mind slaves worldwide): 500,000,000,000
Mr. Satan (54 years old): 70
Fat/Good Majin Buu: 2,000,000,000
Baby Videl: 100
Uub: 10,100,000,000
Uub defeated: 100,000,000
Majuub: 450,000,000,000
Super Baby Vegeta 2's Revenge Death Ball: 700,000,000,000
Majuub after he got hitted by his own Chocolate Beam: 0.6
Goku after Baby defeated him: 625,000,000 and drops as he's accepting his fate to come
In the Supreme Kai's realm:
Kibito Kai: 900,000,000
Goku being healed by Kibito Kai: 1,000,000,000
Old Kai: 10,000,000
Sugoro in his humanoid form: 200
Sugoro in his true form: 250
Shusugoro: 150
Goku after his tail was taken out of his body: 1,000,100,000
Goku vs. Baby (final bout/round two):
SSJ Goku with tail: 50,005,000,000
SSJ2 Goku with tail: 100,010,000,000
SSJ3 Goku with tail: 400,040,000,000
Golden Great Ape Son Goku: 650,000,000,000
Super Sayian 4 Goku: 750,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku's Kamehameha x10: 7,500,000,000,000
Golden Ape Baby Vegeta: 850,000,000,000
Golden Ape Baby Vegeta's Super Galic Gun: 7,900,000,000,000 (aimed at the Earth)
SSJ 4 Goku powerless & about to meet his end: 100,000,000,000
Baby Vegeta after Trunks blinded him by shooting one of his eyes: 1,000,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku while Gohan, Goten & Trunks transferred him their ki: 600,000,000,000 and rising
Golden Ozaru Baby Vegeta after Majuub's attack on him from within: 700,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku after Gohan, Goten & Trunks transferred him their energy: 800,000,000,000
Golden Ozaru Baby Vegeta defated (tail cutted off): 450,000,000,000 and drops all the way as his body shrinks
Vegeta knocked out after Baby leaves his body: 10
Adult form Baby: 1,950,000,000,000
SSJ 4 Goku's conclussive x10 Kamehameha: 8,000,000,000,000 (killing Baby by sending him to the sun)
Battle Aftermath:
Krillin (53 years old): 25,000,000
Android 18: 380,000,000 (weakened due to aging)
Marron: 13
Yamcha (57 years old): 15,000,000
Tien (57 years old): 20,000,000
Chiaotzu (52 years old): 2,500,000
Puar: 3
Oolong: 4
Android 8: 60
Snow: 5
Upa (50 years old): 40
Bora (~75-80 years old): 35
Common humans: 2-18
SSJ 4 Goku (after many teleportations, about to run out of energy): 750,000,000
Goku (powerless): 1,000,000
Piccolo: 600,000,000
Piccolo after giving Goku his energy for the last teleport: 200,000,000
Goku charged by Piccolo: 401,000,000
Piccolo dying before Earth explodes: 130,000,000 and dropping
Gohan torn apart of Piccolo's death: 12,000,000
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