From watching the anime (DBZ/Kai) & reading the manga, It seems to me that out of the 16 canonical soldiers (22 if you count the designing or coloring errors that made it seem like there were other soldiers there along the ones we see in Cold's spaceship) the majority are around Vegeta-Cui tier (excluding Iru and the other old soldier with the arm canon) while the few stronger henchmen (Captain, Fisshi, Jeice-esque etc.) were at least around the Zarbon-Dodoria's tier, Mecha-Frieza considered them to be strong enough to handle the Earthlings' resistance even though he, himself in his lower forms, had troubles to handle them on Namek (in Resurrection 'F' it seems like he didn't knew Piccolo was living on Earth, but he knew that Gohan - who back at the beginning of the fight had a power level of 200,000 - was a local Earthling) which would place them even higher than the notorious members of the Ginyu Force (excluding Captain Ginyu) who weren't near as strong as Krillin was when the battle vs. Frieza began (75,000).
I believe that King Cold - whose existence, according to Daizenshuu 7, was so secret not even the Ginyu Force were aware of him (despite Other World Tournament & Kid Buu Sagas' filler scenes + GT) - won't be hiring weaklings to serve as his direct command unit. The only time where we see them, in their original appearance (+ Cooler's Armored Squadron recolored sprites), clash with the Z-Fighters is in the 1992's NES game "Dragon Ball Z III: Ressen Jinzoningen" (Act 4 / Trunks Saga) where the human Z-Fighters (Krillin, Tien, Yamcha & Chiaotzu) have to fight them to free humans they've kidnapped.
However, and that's why I began to research this topic, in their later video games appearances they're always depicted as weaklings like the low-level Frieza Soldiers we saw on Namek (less than 1,500 BP): their depictions in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai" (2002) is of Sui, Banan and Raspberry; in "Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku II" they're depicted as the common soldiers from the previous game; in "Dragon Ball Z: Hakanuaru Densestsu" (2007) they're depicted as Appule, Banan & Sui. in "Dragon Ball Z - Bodukai Tenkaichi 3" (2007) they're shown to be Banan-esque Frieza Soldier & Appule; In one of "Dragon Ball Heroes" 2010 intros they're seen as part of the common grunts Frieza has in his ship who charges at the invading Note & Beat only to be taken out with ridiculous ease, In "Dragon Ball Z - Dokkan Battle" (2015/2016) they're depicted as Sui.
TL;DR Dragon Ball Wikia calls them "Frieza's Subordinates" and while it's English site ranks their Captain as a Middle Class soldier & the others as lower class goons (but that's never stated in the official sources, just a decision by some random person who edited there. Yet in "Frieza's Elite" page there they're listed as "elite combatants" = the same tier as Vegeta, Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon, Shisami & Tagoma; which makes their credibility even more funny looking); their Spanish site is contradicting it and spams bs about their ranks/power with higher numbers which they pulled out of their asses.
SO Where do you rank these soldiers?

(Originally posted here:
Was also posted with detailed pics here: