5 Million years before present:
28th World Tournament Saga:
Majin Buu Saga

Fusion Saga:
- Kid Buu (pure Majin form): 4,500,000,000
- Bibidi: 2,000,000
- Alpha-Seijin: 10,000 each
- North Supreme Kai: 1,500,000,000
- West Supreme Kai: 1,000,000,000
- South Supreme Kai: 2,000,000,000
- East Supreme Kai: 600,000,000
- Grand Supreme Kai: 5,000,000,000
- Kid Buu in his huge Majin form (buffed): 5,500,000,000
- Fat Majin Buu: 1,800,000,000
28th World Tournament Saga:
- Goku: 20,000,000
- Vegeta: 25,000,000
- Gohan: 12,000,000
- Goten: 350,000
- Trunks: 380,000
- Piccolo: 600,000,000
- Krillin: 275,000,000
- Yamacha: 6,000,000
- Chi-Chi:
- Android 18: 450,000,000
- Mr. Satan: 100
- Jewell: 50
- Killa: 53
- Mighty Mask (original human): 32
- Pintar: 86
- Yamu: 10,000,000
- Spopovitch: 10,000,000
- Kibito: 540,000,000
- Eastern Supreme Kai ("Shin"): 800,000,000
- Super Sayian Gohan: 600,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Gohan: 1,2000,000,000
- Gohan while being held by the Supreme Kai: 650,000,000
- Gohan after Yamu & Spopovitch drained his energy: 10
- Gohan after a Senzu Bean:13,000,000
- Videl: 200
- Spopovitch (heavily holds back): 500
- Videl (dying): 0.3
- Videl after Senzu Bean: 210
- Mighty Mask (Trunks & Goten): 730,000
- Android 18 (supressed): 800,000
- Mighty Mask (kids as SSJ): 36,500,000
- Android 18 (fights more seriously): 45,000,000
- Babidi: 1,000,000
- Dabura: 900,000,000
- Spopovitch overloaded with power by Babidi: steep rise to 100,000,000 then to 0 when explodes
- Yamu running off scared: 7,000,000
- Pui-Pui Nice Shot: 23,000,000
- Dabura executes Kibito: 1,000,000,000
- Kaioshin scared: 500,000,000
- Kibito shocked: 350,000,000 to 0 when murdered by Dabura in an instant
- Krillin turned to stone by Dabura's spit: all the way to 0.000000001 {still alive}
- Piccolo turned to stone by Dabura's spit: all the way to 0.000000001 {still alive}
- Vegeta: 25,000,000
- Pui-Pui: 21,000,000 {his agility rises while in his home planet Zoon, yet his PL=same}
- Vegeta's blast to Pui-Pui's chest: 30,000,000 ("Double Galic Cannon")
- Son Goku; 20,000,000
- Common Majin Soldier: 150,000
- Yakon: 400,000,000
- Super Saiyan Goku: 1,000,000,000
- Yakon after eating some of Goku's SSJ energy: 500,000,000
- SSJ Grade 2 Goku: 1,100,000,000
- Yakon overloaded with SSJ Goku's Ki: 650,000,000
- Dabura (fracture of power): 15,000,000
- Gohan: 13,000,000
- SSJ Gohan: 650,000,000
- Dabura's 50%: 575,000,000
- Dabura's true power: 1,150,000,000
- SSJ 2 Gohan: 1,300,000,000
Majin Buu Saga
- Majin Buu (evil contained, yet calm): 1,000,000,000
- Majin Buu (evil contained, fights seriously): 1,500,000,000
- Dabura injured: 950,000,000
- Babidi: 1,000,000 (said by Goku later to be a "1,000 times weaker than the fat Majin Buu")
- Gohan (tired from his battle with Dabura): 12,000,000
- Super Sayian Gohan: 600,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Gohan: 1,200,000,000
- SSJ 2 Gohan's Kamehameha wave: 1,300,000,000
- Supreme Kai's attack on Buu: 880,000,000
- Supreme Kai injured by Buu: 350,000,000 to 1.5 when unconscious)
- Dabura turned into cookie: ~1 (barely alive, can't function)
- Gohan (passed out): ~1 (ki indetectable, thus believed to be dead)
- Majin Vegeta: 1,400,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Goku: 1,400,000,000
- Majin Vegeta injured post fighting: 1,095,000,000
- SSJ 2 Goku injured post fighting: 995,000,000
- Goku after Vegeta hitted him: ~2
- Majin Vegeta after Senzu Bean: 1,450,000,000
- Krillin: 275,000,000
- Piccolo: 600,000,000
- Trunks: 380,000
- Super Sayian Trunks: 19,000,000
- Goten: 350,000
- Super Sayian Goten: 17,500,000
- Trunks after Vegeta hitted him: ~1
- Goten after Vegeta hitted him: ~0.8
- Majin Buu fighting Majin Vegeta: 1,700,000,000 -> 1,850,000,000
- Majin Vegeta's all out explosion: 1,800,000,000
- Babidi's cutted to pieces: 1,050
- Babidi healed by Buu: 1,400,000
- Goku (back to concious): 15,000,000
- Majin Buu (empowered by eating many Earthlings): 2,000,000,000
- Goku as Super Sayian: 725,000,000
- Goku as Super Sayian 2: 1,450,000,000
- Yamacha: 6,000,000 (slacked off since the Cell Games, 7 years prior)
- Master Roshi: 150 (I assume he did got a little stronger over the years from his 139 rate)
- Tien: 250,000,000
- Chiaotzu: 5,000,000
- Videl: 120
- Goku as Super Sayian 3 (not fighting seriously as later revealed): 2,500,000,000
- Gotenks (skinny): 3,000,000
- Gotenks (fat): 9,000,000
- Gotenks (Base Form): 18,000,000
- Majin Buu (calm & heavily holds back against Gotenks): 38,000,000
Fusion Saga:
- Majin Buu: 2,000,000,000 (before splitting into 2 Buus)
- Mr. Satan: 87
- Bee: 0.5
- Van Zant: 20
- Smitty: 4
- Fat/Good Buu: 1,000,000,000
- Thin/Evil Buu: 1,100,000,000
- Master Roshi: 150
- Yamcha: 6,000,000
- Ox King: 90
- Chi Chi: 75
- Bulma: 15
- Krillin: 275,000,000
- Android #18: 450,000,000
- Dende: 10,000
- Mr. Popo: 100,000
- Super Buu (Base Form): 2,100,000,000
- Super Buu's Humans Extinction Attack: 2,400,000,000
- Tien: 250,000,000
- Chiaotzu: 5,000,000
Gotenks vs. Super Buu:
- Piccolo: 600,000,000
- Super Buu in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber: 2.360.000.000
- Trunks (post Room of Spirit & Time training): 450,000 (based on the fact they were only on 1st Form Frieza tier 2 years later in the 2008 OVA)
- Goten (post training): 400,000
- Gotenks (Base Form post training): 25,000,000
- Gotenks (Super Sayian): 1,250,000,000
- Gotenks' Super Ghost Kamikaze attack: 2,050,000,000
- Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon to destroy the door: 745,000,000
- Super Buu's dimensional opening scream: 2,600,000,000 {a burst of a moment}
- Gotenks' all out scream: 1,700,000,000
- Piccolo's all out scream: 750,000,000
- Gotenks (Super Saiyan 3): 2,150,000,000
- Gotenks' Super Ghost Kamikaze attack: 2,450,000,000
- Super Buu (holding his true power waiting for Gohan): 2,300,000,000
- Super Buu sealed inside Gotenks' Volleyball attack: 2,000,000,000
- Gohan (base form after Kibito healed him): 15,000,000
- SSJ Gohan trying to pull out the Z-Sword: 750,000,000
- SSJ 2 Gohan trying to pull out the Z-Sword: 1,500,000,000
- SSJ 2 Gohan training with the Z-Sword: 1,520,000,000
- Kibito: 540,000,000
- Kaioshin: 800,000,000
- Old Kaioshin: 13,000,000
- Gohan (base form before the Old Kaioshin's potential unlockment): 17,000,000
- Ultimate/Mystic Gohan: 2,500,000,000
Ultimate/Mystic Gohan vs. Super Buu:
- Mystic Gohan battle ready: 2,780,000,000
- Super Buu battle ready: 2,650,000,000
- Super Buu's mouth blast: 2,700,000,000
- Super Buu self-injured after Gohan blocked his mouth blast: 2,500,000,000
- Super Buu self-injured while Gohan beats him up: 2,100,000,000
- Super Buu's true power: 2,800,000,000 powers up to 2,999,000,000 at max
- Mystic Gohan's full power: 3,100,000,000
- Kibito-Kai (demonstration of Potara fusion): 1,340,000,000
- Super Buu (Gotenks & Piccolo absorbed): 4,700,000,000
- Mystic Gohan heavily injured: 1,800,000,000
- Tien's Tri-Beam to save Gohan: 1,500,000,000
- Ultimate Gohan after Dende heals him: 2,800,000,000
- Goku (revived using a Destrecto Disc): 300,000,000
- Tien (dying from Super Buu's legs kick): ~3
- Tien after Dende heals him: 250,000,000
- Super Buu (Piccolo, Goten & Trunks absorbed): 2,700,000,000
Vegetto vs. Super Buu:
- Super Buu (Gohan, Piccolo, Goten & Trunks absorbed): 5,200,000,000
- Goku (base): 40,000,000
- Vegeta (base): 35,000,000
- Super Sayian Goku: 2,000,000,000
- Super Sayian Vegeta: 1,750,000,000
- Vegetto: 6,500,000,000
- Super Buu (Buuhan)'s muscular form: 5,750,000,000
- Super Buu's energy orb: 5,900,000,000
- Vegetto as a Super Sayian: 300,000,000,000
- Super Vegetto while Super Buu invades his body (buffed): 305,700,000,000
- Super Buu's Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack 1st try: 10,000,000,000
- Super Buu's Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack 2nd try (with Kamehameha & Galic Gun): 100,000,000,000
- Vegetto as a candy: 60,000,000,000
- Super Buu with Super Vegetto absorbed (splits into 2 right after): 75,200,000,000 goes down to 17,200,000,000 due to defusing & will go down drastically further when all captives are released
- Worms inside Buu: 1,000,000
- Worms' father: 10,000,000
- Super Buu's mental incarnation: 7,500,000,000
Kid Buu Saga
- Super Buu transforms into Kid Buu (after all absrobed were released): 5,300,000,000
- Kid Buu: 5,500,000,000
- Kid Buu's destroying the Earth: 5,800,000,000
- Krillin (on the Grand Kai's planet): 300,000,000
- Yamcha (on the Grand Kai's planet): 240,000,000
- Olibu: 200,000,000
- Pikkon: 280,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Goku (on the Kaioshin's planet): 1,750,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Vegeta (on the Kaioshin's planet): 1,650,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Goku (powered up to max on the Kaioshin's planet): 3,000,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Vegeta (powering up to max on the Kaioshin's planet): 2,750,000,000
- Super Sayian 3 Goku: 5,000,000,000
- Dabura in heaven: 900,000,000 (said to be on Super Perfect Cell's tier)
- Frieza in hell: 180,000,000
- King Cold in hell: 140,000,000
- Cell in hell: 980,000,000
- Babidi in hell: 1,000,000
- Jeice in hell: 500,000
- Burter in hell: 450,000
- Recoome in hell: 400,000
- Guldo in hell: 130,000
- Dr. Gero/Android 20 in hell: 250,000,000
- Appule in hell: 17,000
- Goz & Mez: 1,300 each
- Moori (Namek's Grand Elder): 8,500
- Namekians: 1,000 - 3,000
- Android 17: 430,000,000
- Common Humans: 3-10
- Android 8: 186
- Snow (adult): 4
- Bora (old): 45
- Upa (adult - 44 years old): 53
- Launch: 28
- Yajirobe (old & off-shape): 700
- Korin: 1,000
- Nam (old): 90
- Bandages the Mummy: 93
- Devilman: 123
- Sharpner: 15
- Erasa: 3
- King Fury: 5
- King Fury's guards: 27 each
- Goku while using Genki Dama after his power level dropped from it's peak: 5,250,000,000 -> 4,950,000,000
- Kid Buu struggles with the Genki Dama while Goku is "weak": 5,700,000,000 -> 5,300,000,000 (wore himself out)
- Goku's Final Spirit Bomb (powers restored to max): 5,400,000,000
- SSJ Goku's Final Spirit Bomb (powers restored to max): 6,000,000,000
- Kid Buu struggles with the Genki Dama: 5,000,000,000 and drops fast all the way to 0 when defeated
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