Guarana's crew finds a Super Dragon Ball + reports back to Planet Frieza 17 (Dragon Ball Chou Manga Chapter 4) - Age 778 (while SSJ god Goku fights Beerus):


- Guarana (2nd strongest in Frieza's army next to Sorbet): 50,000
- Raspberry esque: 10,000
- Sui's race member: 9,000
- Appule's race soldier: 8,000
- Malaka's race bold member: 7,500
- Champa: 90,000,000,000,000
- Vados: 160,000,000,000,000
- Tagoma (shocked): 20,000
- Shisami (scared): 19,000
- Sorbet (tensed): 80,000
- 2 Bouncers: 6,000 (taller) & 5,000
- Goku (Super Sayian "god"): 6,000,000,000
- Beerus: 10,000,000,000

- Mecha-Frieza (trapped powerless in cocoon in "Earth's hell"): 500
- Earth's hell angels: ~200 each
- Sorbet's Frog "Subordinate": 7,500
- Sorbet's bouncers: 10,000 each
- Malaka's race doctor (manga): 400
- Common Frieza Soldiers: 800-1,500 (low levels, top are merely 2nd class)
- Frieza's "elites" (equipped with New Battle Armor model): 3,000 - 6,000
- Tagoma (upon Frieza's revival): 22,500
- Shisami (upon Frieza's revival): 21,500
- Sorbet (upon Frieza's revival): 84,000
- Pilaf: 20
- Mai: 15
- Shu: 10
- Shenron: 100,000,000
- Revived Mecha-Frieza (trying to unite his body in pieces): 10,000 drops to 160 while in pieces {evil ki sensed throughout the Earth}
- Frieza (1st form regenerated - "a bit rusty"): 490,000
- Gohan (slacked training): 25,000,000
- Videl (fell from her DBZ peak): 100
- Piccolo (out of shape): 450,000,000
- Baby Pan: 0.003
- Krillin (out of shape): 125,000,000
- 2 criminals: below 10 each
- Bulma: 14
- Dr. Brief: 8
- Android 18 (out of shape): 400,000,000
- Tien (out of shape): 100,000,000
- Chiaotzu (out of shape, Fukkatsu No 'F' manga only): 2,000,000
- Goku (starting his training under Whis): 70,000,000
- Vegeta (after 6 months of training with Whis): 1,000,000,000
- Whis: 150,000,000,000,000
- Beerus: 100,000,000,000,000
- Oracle Fish: 650
4 Months later - Frieza's invasion - Goku (after 4 months of training under Whis): 1,800,000,000
- Vegeta (after another 4 months of training under Whis): 1,750,000,000
- Master Roshi: 1,000
- Master Roshi (buffed): 10,000
- Jaco: 1,020
- Mr. Buu: 1,150,000,000
- Frog Subordinate (post 4 months of training): 17,500
- Sorbet's bouncers (post 4 months): 20,000
- 1000 Frieza soldiers Army: 1,000 (70% of total men) - 3,000 ("strongest"=30% of henchmen)
- Krillin (stunned by fear of Frieza - DBS ONLY): 2,000
- Krillin (reliefed after Tien saved him - DBS ONLY): 3,000
- Krillin fears Frieza's 16 men surrounding him in DBS: 2,100
- Frieza's pink bully soldier against Krillin: 3,000
- Krillin realizes Frieza's bully soldier is just a weakling in DBS: 6,000
- Krillin after Master Roshi explained him he's far stronger than Frieza's soldiers: 18,000 (DBS)
- Frieza's mercenaries (wearing new model battle armor in the RoF manga&movie): 5,000-10,000
- Krillin (supressed): 80,000
- Tien (supressed): 70,000
- Gohan (holds himself vs. Frieza's goons & Shisami): 170,000 -> 210,000
- Piccolo (supressed against the lackies & tired vs. Shisami in the movie): 240,000 -> 200,000
- Sorbet (post 4 months): 300,000
- Shisami (post training): 230,000 (less than the Ginyus' combined minimum of 268,500)
- Gohan starting to get serious vs. Shisami (threatens him to give up): 250,000
- Gohan's powering up against Shisami: 450,000 and rising (somehow kept his guard down)
- Tagoma's dirty blast: 500,000
- Shisami dying after Tagoma's sneak attack: 0.2 {also his power level after SSJ Gohan takes him out with one blow in the film}
- Gohan realizes he got hit too: 1,000 and drops quickly
- Tagoma (holds back while standing to be scanned by Sorbet's scouter): 350,000
- Gohan after his heart stopped beating: 0.3 [barely holds on till Piccolo's Kiai]
- Gohan after Senzu Bean: 30,000,000
- Tagoma (full power post training/"Body of Steel"): 700,000,000 - 900,000,000 tier
- Goten: 500,000
- Trunks: 550,000
- Piccolo (powered up to max): 500,000,000
- Piccolo (injured by Tagoma): 300,000,000
- Gohan's rescue ki blast: 600,000,000
- Piccolo (post Tagoma's attack - barely holds his own): 1,500,000
- Piccolo (after Senzu): 550,000,000
- Gotenks (SSJ): 950,000,000
Captain Ginyu's "revival": - Frog-Ginyu: 0.16
- Tagoma as a Namekian frog: 0.00004
- Ginyu in Tagoma's body (not accustomed): 800,000,000
- Ginyu-Tagoma attacks the Z-Fighters (post power up): 1,000,000,000
- Tien after Ginyu's assult: 15,000 [too brutal for him, barely holds on with the fight]
- Piccolo after Ginyu's attack: 1,000,000 [holds on, realizes Ginyu is stronger than Tagoma was]
- Master Roshi after Ginyu's attack: 700 [can't hold on, barely alive]
- Krillin after Ginyu's attack: 300,000 [takes less damage than the other humans]
- Gohan after Ginyu's attack: 1,100,000 [holds on, back to himself after breathing]
- Krillin after Senzu: 130,000,000
- Tien after Senzu: 120,000,000
- Kamesennin after Senzu: 1,500
- Master Roshi powers up to MAX to call Goku & Vegeta (RoF movie ONLY!): 100,000
- Gohan fighting Ginyu-Tagoma: 300,000,000 - 700,000,000 (taps into his "Mystic" form as he powers up w each pounch, yet his lack of training prevents him from unleashing his full power)
- Ginyu in Tagoma's body (accustomed): 1,080,000,000
- Gohan (back on his feet injured after Ginyu's attacks on him): 25,000,000
- Gohan (Super Sayian): 1,250,000,000
Frieza steps in: - Frieza (1st form post his "special" training): 1,500,000,000
- Frieza's barrage of Death Beams: 1,750,000,000 -> 1,900,000,000
- SSJ Gohan injured by Frieza's barrage of Death Beams: 1,000,000,000 -> 700,000,000
- Injured Gohan reverted back to normal: 14,000,000 and dropps
- Frieza's most powerful death beam (hits & kills Piccolo): 2,000,000,000
- Gohan charging up to max to call Goku & Vegeta from Beerus' Planet: 3,000,000,000 [erruption of anger]
- Gohan's body collapses: all the way to ~1
- Goku (Sayian Beyond "god" after training in "that place"): 2,500,000,000
- Vegeta (Sayian Beyond "god" after training in "that place"): 2,450,000,000
- Gohan after a 2nd Senzu Bean: 50,000,000
- Frieza in his final form: 2,400,000,000
- Goku as a Super Sayian god Super Sayian: 7,500,000,000
- Golden Frieza: 7,600,000,000
- Golden Frieza (stamina begins to fall): 7,400,000,000
- Golden Frieza (stamina dropping fast before Sorbet steps in): 6,500,000,000
- Goku after Sorbet's bad ring laser caught him off-gaurd: 3,000,000,000 and dropping fast to 800,000,000 due to Frieza's torturing him
- Goku after Senzu: 2,800,000,000
- Golden Frieza vs Vegeta: 6,250,000,000
- Vegeta as a Super Sayian god Super Sayian: 7,300,000,000
- Golden Frieza after Vegeta's 1st set of attacks: 5,800,000,000
- Golden Frieza's last stand: 4,320,000,000
- Frieza reverts back to his fourth form: 2,000,000,000 [powerless]
- Goku's conclusive Kamehameha: 8,000,000,000
- Frieza (back in hell - powerless in cocoon): 3,000
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