יום שישי, 29 באפריל 2016
יום שלישי, 26 באפריל 2016
Creation of Mayo - A new Dragon Ball character I've worked on
יום חמישי, 21 באפריל 2016
Android Arc & Cell Saga HYPOTHETICAL Power Levels List (Dragon Ball Age 767)
Androids' Arrival (May 12th, Age 767)
- Son Goku: 10,000,000
- Son Gohan: 5,000,000
- Piccolo: 17,500,000
- Krillin: 4,500,000
- Tien Shinhan: 4,000,000
- Yamcha: 3,000,000
- Chiaotzu: 1,000,000
- Bulma: 14
- Baby Trunks: 1
- Yajirobe: 800
- Yajirobe after being injured by the Androids: 500
- Android 19: 200,000,000
- Android 20: 250,000,000
- Yamcha surpressed: 35,000
- Common Humans: 3-10
- Yamcha shocked that he found the Androids: 180,000
- Android 20 after abrosbing Yamcha's ki: 253,500,000
- Yamcha (dying, barely has life left in him): 0.1
- Super Sayian Goku: 500,000,000
- Super Sayian Goku after his heart virus appeared: 350,000,000
- Super Sayian Goku after 19 drained his energy: 210,000,000
- Android 19 after absorbing Goku's ki: 280,000,000
- Super Sayian Goku (dying): 100,000,000
- Vegeta: 8,000,000
- Super Sayian Vegeta: 400,000,000
- Yamcha after Senzu Bean: 5,000,000
- Super Sayian Vegeta after 19 drained some of his energy: 325,750,000
- Android 19 with some of Vegeta's ki absorbed: 320,000,000
- SSJ Vegeta's Final Flash: 390,000,000
- Piccolo after Android 20 drained some of his energy: 7,000,000
- Gohan's rush attack to save Piccolo: 45,000,000
- Android 20 after absorbing some of Piccolo's power: 270,000,000
- Piccolo after a Senzu Bean: 300,000,000
- Android 20 after Piccolo damaged him: 140,000,000
- Future Trunks: 8,000,000
- Super Sayian Future Trunks: 400,000,000
Androids' Activation:
- Android 17: 450,000,000
- Android 18: 450,000,000
- Android 16: 600,000,000
- Super Saiyan Vegeta (arm harmed by 18): 340,000,000
- Krillin shocked: 12,000
- Krillin terrified: 7,000
- Vegeta knocked up: 2
- Tien after 17's attack: 1
- Piccolo after 17's attack: 3
- Trunks after 18's attack: 2
- Tien after Senzu Bean: 6,000,000
- Trunks after Senzu; 9,000,000
- Piccolo after Senzu: 320,000,000
- Vegeta after Senzu: 9,000,000
- Cell in his bug form: 2,500
Imperfect Cell Saga - Birth of Kamiccolo:
- Imperfect Cell as sensed by Kami: 500,000,000 & rising
- Kami: 1,500,000
- Mr. Popo: 20,000
- Piccolo after fusing with Kami ("Kamiccolo"): 480,000,000
- Imperfect Cell after absorbing Nikkitown & Gingertown: 520,000,000
- Piccolo after Cell took some of his ki: 430,000,000
- Imperfect Cell after absorbing Piccolo's arm energy: 550,000,000
- Piccolo after regenerating his arm: 470,000,000
- Goku (resting from his heart virus): 3
- Goku (recovered): 10,000,000
Chases after Imperfect Cell:
- SSJ Vegeta: 450,000,000
- SSJ Trunks: 450,000,000
- Krillin: 4,500,000
- Krillin's full power headbutt at Cell: 6,500,000
- Tien: 6,000,000
- Yamcha: 5,000,000
- Master Roshi: 145
Piccolo vs. Android 17:
- Piccolo: 480,000,000
- Piccolo without weighted clothings: 500,000,000
- Full power Piccolo: 520,000,000
- Android 17: 450,000,000
- Android 17's true power: 550,000,000
- Piccolo's scattered blasts attack: 560,000,000
Piccolo & Android 17 vs. Imperfect Cell:
- Imperfect Cell: 580,000,000
- Piccolo's shocked by Cell: 400,000,000
- Imperfect Cell after powering up: 600,000,000
- Piccolo's fear increases: 300,000,000
- Piccolo fighting Cell: 500,000,000
- Android 17 injured: 460,000,000
- Piccolo defeated: 0.2
Android 16 & Tien Shinhan vs. Semi-Perfect Cell:
- Android 16: 600,000,000
- Android 16's blasted pounch: 650,000,000
- Android 16's blasters: 700,000,000
- Tien: 6,000,000
- Semi-Perfect Cell: 750,000,000
- Gohan: 8,000,000
- Goku: 11,000,000
- Tien's 1st Tri-Beam: 100,000,000
- Tien's 2nd Tri-Beam: 200,000,000
- Tien's 3rd Tri-Beam: 300,000,000
- Tien worn out: 1
- Piccolo out of the ocean: 2 {barely holds on}
- Tien after Senzu Bean: 80,000,000
- Piccolo after Senzu Bean: 500,000,000
Vegeta & Trunks vs. Semi-&later Perfect Cell:
- Krillin: 6,000,000
- Krillin stressed about destroying #18: 3,000,000
- Android 18: 450,000,000
- Android 16 heavily injured: 200,000,000
- Vegeta: 15,400,000
- SSJ Vegeta: 770,000,000
- Super Vegeta (SSJ 2nd Grade): 830,000,000
- Future Trunks: 15,000,000
- SSJ Future Trunks: 750,000,000
- Semi-Perfect Cell after Vegeta's attacks: 690,000,000
- Perfect Cell: 900,000,000
- Krillin's blast of anger: 85,000,000
- SSJ Future Trunks mad: 790,000,000
- Krillin's Kienzan: 125,000,000
- Krillin after Perfect Cell's kick: 0.4
- Krillin after Senzu Bean: 100,000,000
- Vegeta defeated by Perfect Cell: 1
- SSJ Second Grade Future Trunks: 840,000,000
- SSJ Third Grade Future Trunks: 920,000,000
- Goku: 15,600,000
- Gohan: 13,000,000
- SSJ Goku: 780,000,000
- SSJ Gohan: 650,000,000
- SSJ 2nd Grade Goku: 820,000,000
- SSJ 3rd Grade Goku: 950,000,000
Preparetions for the Cell Games (10 days prior it, allegedlly May 16th, Age 767):
- Yamcha: 45,000,000
- Krillin: 100,000,000
- Chiaotzu: 2,000,000
- Tien: 80,000,000
- Vegeta after Senzu: 16,000,000
- Future Trunks: 15,500,000
- Piccolo after Hyperbolic Time Chamber: 700,000,000
- Renewed Android 16: 750,000,000
- SSJ 4th Grade/Full Power SSJ Goku: 860,000,000
- SSJ Full Power Gohan: 840,000,000
- Chi-Chi: 120
- Ox King: 80
- Frog-Ginyu: 0.16
- Moori: 5,000
- Namekians: 3,000 average
- Dende: 10,000
- Mr Satan on Roshi's TV: 96
The Cell Games (May 17th, Age 767, according to the Daizenshuu 7 & Dragon Ball Manga chapter 389 it was on May 26th):
- Vegeta after 2nd training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber: 17,500,000
- Trunks after 2nd training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber: 17,000,000
- Krillin at the Cell Games: 200,000,000
- Tien at the Cell Games: 190,000,000
- Yamcha at the Cell Games: 170,000,000
- Mr. Satan: 100
- Miss Pizza: 40
- Pirozhki: 43
- Caroni: 42
- Z-TV Anchor: 5
- TV Crew: 5-6
- Hercule after Cell's hit: 90
- SSJ Goku exhausted from his fight with Cell: 800,000,000
- Cell Jr.: 900,000,000 each
- SSJ Vegeta vs. Cell Jr.: 875,000,000
- SSJ Future Trunks vs. Cell Jr.: 850,000,000
- Yamcha's full power vs, Cell Juniors: 210,000,000
- Tien's full power vs. Cell Jrs.: 240,000,000
- Krillin's full power vs. Cell Jrs.: 250,000,000
- Android 16's severed head: 300
- Gohan's rage erruption to Super Sayian 2: 1,500,000,000
- Perfect Cell after Gohan pounch caused him to spit Android 18: 700,000,000
- Android 18 (out of conscious): 1,000,000
- King Kai: 145,000
- Bubbles: 2,000
- Gregory: 2,300
- Semi-Perfect Cell's "Unforgivable!" (self explosion): 1,600,000,000
- Super Perfect Cell: 1,200,000,000
- Trunks after Cell's deadly attack on him: drops instantly to 0
- SSJ2 Gohan's one hand Kamehameha: 1,350,000,000
- Super Perfect Cell's Kamehameha: 1,400,000,000
- Yamcha's attacks on Cell: 200,000,000
- Tien's attacks on Cell: 220,000,000
- Krillin's attacks on Cell: 230,000,000
- Piccolo's attacks on Cell: 730,000,000
- SSJ Vegeta's Big Bang (revenges his son's demise by the Bio-Android): 1,000,000,000
- SSJ 2 Gohan & Goku's Father&Son Kamehameha: 1,800,000,000
- Gohan after Dende healed him: 20,500,000
Alternate Future:
- Future Trunks: 17,000,000
- Future Android 18: 300,000,000
- Future Android 17: 300,000,000
- Injured old man: 2
- Future Bulma: 10
- Future Cell: 500,000,000 (absorbed many humans while looking after the now dead androids)
- SSJ Future Trunks: 850,000,000
- Future Cell's Kamehameha: 560,000,000
- Future Trunks' attack on Cell: 900,000,000
יום רביעי, 20 באפריל 2016
יום שלישי, 19 באפריל 2016
יום שני, 18 באפריל 2016
Dragon Ball Z: Majin Buu Arc HYPOTHETICAL Power Levels List (Age 774)
5 Million years before present:
28th World Tournament Saga:
Majin Buu Saga

Fusion Saga:
- Kid Buu (pure Majin form): 4,500,000,000
- Bibidi: 2,000,000
- Alpha-Seijin: 10,000 each
- North Supreme Kai: 1,500,000,000
- West Supreme Kai: 1,000,000,000
- South Supreme Kai: 2,000,000,000
- East Supreme Kai: 600,000,000
- Grand Supreme Kai: 5,000,000,000
- Kid Buu in his huge Majin form (buffed): 5,500,000,000
- Fat Majin Buu: 1,800,000,000
28th World Tournament Saga:
- Goku: 20,000,000
- Vegeta: 25,000,000
- Gohan: 12,000,000
- Goten: 350,000
- Trunks: 380,000
- Piccolo: 600,000,000
- Krillin: 275,000,000
- Yamacha: 6,000,000
- Chi-Chi:
- Android 18: 450,000,000
- Mr. Satan: 100
- Jewell: 50
- Killa: 53
- Mighty Mask (original human): 32
- Pintar: 86
- Yamu: 10,000,000
- Spopovitch: 10,000,000
- Kibito: 540,000,000
- Eastern Supreme Kai ("Shin"): 800,000,000
- Super Sayian Gohan: 600,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Gohan: 1,2000,000,000
- Gohan while being held by the Supreme Kai: 650,000,000
- Gohan after Yamu & Spopovitch drained his energy: 10
- Gohan after a Senzu Bean:13,000,000
- Videl: 200
- Spopovitch (heavily holds back): 500
- Videl (dying): 0.3
- Videl after Senzu Bean: 210
- Mighty Mask (Trunks & Goten): 730,000
- Android 18 (supressed): 800,000
- Mighty Mask (kids as SSJ): 36,500,000
- Android 18 (fights more seriously): 45,000,000
- Babidi: 1,000,000
- Dabura: 900,000,000
- Spopovitch overloaded with power by Babidi: steep rise to 100,000,000 then to 0 when explodes
- Yamu running off scared: 7,000,000
- Pui-Pui Nice Shot: 23,000,000
- Dabura executes Kibito: 1,000,000,000
- Kaioshin scared: 500,000,000
- Kibito shocked: 350,000,000 to 0 when murdered by Dabura in an instant
- Krillin turned to stone by Dabura's spit: all the way to 0.000000001 {still alive}
- Piccolo turned to stone by Dabura's spit: all the way to 0.000000001 {still alive}
- Vegeta: 25,000,000
- Pui-Pui: 21,000,000 {his agility rises while in his home planet Zoon, yet his PL=same}
- Vegeta's blast to Pui-Pui's chest: 30,000,000 ("Double Galic Cannon")
- Son Goku; 20,000,000
- Common Majin Soldier: 150,000
- Yakon: 400,000,000
- Super Saiyan Goku: 1,000,000,000
- Yakon after eating some of Goku's SSJ energy: 500,000,000
- SSJ Grade 2 Goku: 1,100,000,000
- Yakon overloaded with SSJ Goku's Ki: 650,000,000
- Dabura (fracture of power): 15,000,000
- Gohan: 13,000,000
- SSJ Gohan: 650,000,000
- Dabura's 50%: 575,000,000
- Dabura's true power: 1,150,000,000
- SSJ 2 Gohan: 1,300,000,000
Majin Buu Saga
- Majin Buu (evil contained, yet calm): 1,000,000,000
- Majin Buu (evil contained, fights seriously): 1,500,000,000
- Dabura injured: 950,000,000
- Babidi: 1,000,000 (said by Goku later to be a "1,000 times weaker than the fat Majin Buu")
- Gohan (tired from his battle with Dabura): 12,000,000
- Super Sayian Gohan: 600,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Gohan: 1,200,000,000
- SSJ 2 Gohan's Kamehameha wave: 1,300,000,000
- Supreme Kai's attack on Buu: 880,000,000
- Supreme Kai injured by Buu: 350,000,000 to 1.5 when unconscious)
- Dabura turned into cookie: ~1 (barely alive, can't function)
- Gohan (passed out): ~1 (ki indetectable, thus believed to be dead)
- Majin Vegeta: 1,400,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Goku: 1,400,000,000
- Majin Vegeta injured post fighting: 1,095,000,000
- SSJ 2 Goku injured post fighting: 995,000,000
- Goku after Vegeta hitted him: ~2
- Majin Vegeta after Senzu Bean: 1,450,000,000
- Krillin: 275,000,000
- Piccolo: 600,000,000
- Trunks: 380,000
- Super Sayian Trunks: 19,000,000
- Goten: 350,000
- Super Sayian Goten: 17,500,000
- Trunks after Vegeta hitted him: ~1
- Goten after Vegeta hitted him: ~0.8
- Majin Buu fighting Majin Vegeta: 1,700,000,000 -> 1,850,000,000
- Majin Vegeta's all out explosion: 1,800,000,000
- Babidi's cutted to pieces: 1,050
- Babidi healed by Buu: 1,400,000
- Goku (back to concious): 15,000,000
- Majin Buu (empowered by eating many Earthlings): 2,000,000,000
- Goku as Super Sayian: 725,000,000
- Goku as Super Sayian 2: 1,450,000,000
- Yamacha: 6,000,000 (slacked off since the Cell Games, 7 years prior)
- Master Roshi: 150 (I assume he did got a little stronger over the years from his 139 rate)
- Tien: 250,000,000
- Chiaotzu: 5,000,000
- Videl: 120
- Goku as Super Sayian 3 (not fighting seriously as later revealed): 2,500,000,000
- Gotenks (skinny): 3,000,000
- Gotenks (fat): 9,000,000
- Gotenks (Base Form): 18,000,000
- Majin Buu (calm & heavily holds back against Gotenks): 38,000,000
Fusion Saga:
- Majin Buu: 2,000,000,000 (before splitting into 2 Buus)
- Mr. Satan: 87
- Bee: 0.5
- Van Zant: 20
- Smitty: 4
- Fat/Good Buu: 1,000,000,000
- Thin/Evil Buu: 1,100,000,000
- Master Roshi: 150
- Yamcha: 6,000,000
- Ox King: 90
- Chi Chi: 75
- Bulma: 15
- Krillin: 275,000,000
- Android #18: 450,000,000
- Dende: 10,000
- Mr. Popo: 100,000
- Super Buu (Base Form): 2,100,000,000
- Super Buu's Humans Extinction Attack: 2,400,000,000
- Tien: 250,000,000
- Chiaotzu: 5,000,000
Gotenks vs. Super Buu:
- Piccolo: 600,000,000
- Super Buu in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber: 2.360.000.000
- Trunks (post Room of Spirit & Time training): 450,000 (based on the fact they were only on 1st Form Frieza tier 2 years later in the 2008 OVA)
- Goten (post training): 400,000
- Gotenks (Base Form post training): 25,000,000
- Gotenks (Super Sayian): 1,250,000,000
- Gotenks' Super Ghost Kamikaze attack: 2,050,000,000
- Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon to destroy the door: 745,000,000
- Super Buu's dimensional opening scream: 2,600,000,000 {a burst of a moment}
- Gotenks' all out scream: 1,700,000,000
- Piccolo's all out scream: 750,000,000
- Gotenks (Super Saiyan 3): 2,150,000,000
- Gotenks' Super Ghost Kamikaze attack: 2,450,000,000
- Super Buu (holding his true power waiting for Gohan): 2,300,000,000
- Super Buu sealed inside Gotenks' Volleyball attack: 2,000,000,000
- Gohan (base form after Kibito healed him): 15,000,000
- SSJ Gohan trying to pull out the Z-Sword: 750,000,000
- SSJ 2 Gohan trying to pull out the Z-Sword: 1,500,000,000
- SSJ 2 Gohan training with the Z-Sword: 1,520,000,000
- Kibito: 540,000,000
- Kaioshin: 800,000,000
- Old Kaioshin: 13,000,000
- Gohan (base form before the Old Kaioshin's potential unlockment): 17,000,000
- Ultimate/Mystic Gohan: 2,500,000,000
Ultimate/Mystic Gohan vs. Super Buu:
- Mystic Gohan battle ready: 2,780,000,000
- Super Buu battle ready: 2,650,000,000
- Super Buu's mouth blast: 2,700,000,000
- Super Buu self-injured after Gohan blocked his mouth blast: 2,500,000,000
- Super Buu self-injured while Gohan beats him up: 2,100,000,000
- Super Buu's true power: 2,800,000,000 powers up to 2,999,000,000 at max
- Mystic Gohan's full power: 3,100,000,000
- Kibito-Kai (demonstration of Potara fusion): 1,340,000,000
- Super Buu (Gotenks & Piccolo absorbed): 4,700,000,000
- Mystic Gohan heavily injured: 1,800,000,000
- Tien's Tri-Beam to save Gohan: 1,500,000,000
- Ultimate Gohan after Dende heals him: 2,800,000,000
- Goku (revived using a Destrecto Disc): 300,000,000
- Tien (dying from Super Buu's legs kick): ~3
- Tien after Dende heals him: 250,000,000
- Super Buu (Piccolo, Goten & Trunks absorbed): 2,700,000,000
Vegetto vs. Super Buu:
- Super Buu (Gohan, Piccolo, Goten & Trunks absorbed): 5,200,000,000
- Goku (base): 40,000,000
- Vegeta (base): 35,000,000
- Super Sayian Goku: 2,000,000,000
- Super Sayian Vegeta: 1,750,000,000
- Vegetto: 6,500,000,000
- Super Buu (Buuhan)'s muscular form: 5,750,000,000
- Super Buu's energy orb: 5,900,000,000
- Vegetto as a Super Sayian: 300,000,000,000
- Super Vegetto while Super Buu invades his body (buffed): 305,700,000,000
- Super Buu's Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack 1st try: 10,000,000,000
- Super Buu's Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack 2nd try (with Kamehameha & Galic Gun): 100,000,000,000
- Vegetto as a candy: 60,000,000,000
- Super Buu with Super Vegetto absorbed (splits into 2 right after): 75,200,000,000 goes down to 17,200,000,000 due to defusing & will go down drastically further when all captives are released
- Worms inside Buu: 1,000,000
- Worms' father: 10,000,000
- Super Buu's mental incarnation: 7,500,000,000
Kid Buu Saga
- Super Buu transforms into Kid Buu (after all absrobed were released): 5,300,000,000
- Kid Buu: 5,500,000,000
- Kid Buu's destroying the Earth: 5,800,000,000
- Krillin (on the Grand Kai's planet): 300,000,000
- Yamcha (on the Grand Kai's planet): 240,000,000
- Olibu: 200,000,000
- Pikkon: 280,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Goku (on the Kaioshin's planet): 1,750,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Vegeta (on the Kaioshin's planet): 1,650,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Goku (powered up to max on the Kaioshin's planet): 3,000,000,000
- Super Sayian 2 Vegeta (powering up to max on the Kaioshin's planet): 2,750,000,000
- Super Sayian 3 Goku: 5,000,000,000
- Dabura in heaven: 900,000,000 (said to be on Super Perfect Cell's tier)
- Frieza in hell: 180,000,000
- King Cold in hell: 140,000,000
- Cell in hell: 980,000,000
- Babidi in hell: 1,000,000
- Jeice in hell: 500,000
- Burter in hell: 450,000
- Recoome in hell: 400,000
- Guldo in hell: 130,000
- Dr. Gero/Android 20 in hell: 250,000,000
- Appule in hell: 17,000
- Goz & Mez: 1,300 each
- Moori (Namek's Grand Elder): 8,500
- Namekians: 1,000 - 3,000
- Android 17: 430,000,000
- Common Humans: 3-10
- Android 8: 186
- Snow (adult): 4
- Bora (old): 45
- Upa (adult - 44 years old): 53
- Launch: 28
- Yajirobe (old & off-shape): 700
- Korin: 1,000
- Nam (old): 90
- Bandages the Mummy: 93
- Devilman: 123
- Sharpner: 15
- Erasa: 3
- King Fury: 5
- King Fury's guards: 27 each
- Goku while using Genki Dama after his power level dropped from it's peak: 5,250,000,000 -> 4,950,000,000
- Kid Buu struggles with the Genki Dama while Goku is "weak": 5,700,000,000 -> 5,300,000,000 (wore himself out)
- Goku's Final Spirit Bomb (powers restored to max): 5,400,000,000
- SSJ Goku's Final Spirit Bomb (powers restored to max): 6,000,000,000
- Kid Buu struggles with the Genki Dama: 5,000,000,000 and drops fast all the way to 0 when defeated
Dragon Ball,
Dragon Ball Z,
Power Levels
יום ראשון, 17 באפריל 2016
The Hebrew Golan
LOL syria's starting to feel like vlad the impaler after a certain vlad had helped them out in their domestic mayhem, now thinking they can annex Israel's Golan Heights describing it as "a conquered arab land". 2 points should be putted on the table: 1) BESIDES the wasteland called the arabian peninsula arabs are NOT entitled to any land. 2) Jewish Presence in the Golan Heights is since the Hellenistic Era in which no "syrian" entity existed (arab syria is a result of arbitrary 1920 french & british decision of drawing borders between their colonies in the Near East) as the Synagogues, Jewish Artifacts & arabized Hebrew settlements' name suggest.

Gamla, the Jewish stronghold in the Golan against the romans.

Menorah shaped relief in Um al-Kanter Synagogue, yet, another "sign of arab muslims' eternal sovereignity over the Golan Heights"... NOPE.

Katzrin's Synagogue. Yep, in the Golan.

Sussita (Hippos) in an arieal view from 2015. A pagan city which had a Jewish minority as RECORDED by roman era historians, in the Golan.

The Hamat Gader Synagogue's Mosaic, is this Ancient place of worship an "arabic praying place", syrian govt.? Nope, 1000% Jewish.
Gamla, the Jewish stronghold in the Golan against the romans.
Menorah shaped relief in Um al-Kanter Synagogue, yet, another "sign of arab muslims' eternal sovereignity over the Golan Heights"... NOPE.

Katzrin's Synagogue. Yep, in the Golan.
Sussita (Hippos) in an arieal view from 2015. A pagan city which had a Jewish minority as RECORDED by roman era historians, in the Golan.

The Hamat Gader Synagogue's Mosaic, is this Ancient place of worship an "arabic praying place", syrian govt.? Nope, 1000% Jewish.

The suraman's (a small circassian village established in 1878) mosque which contained this flower decoration which is common in Mishnaic & Talmudic Synagogues, probably was taken from a near by Ancient Jewish village ruins.

Deir Aziz Synagogue, another Talmudic era Jewish town: Aziz as was preserved on an ancient stone placed in the entrance to the worship place.

Map showing King Herod's Kingdom, it was named Judea, inhabited by Jews who called themselves Israel in their religious acts, and contained parts of what's today southern syria, southern lebanon & transjordan.

Deir Aziz Synagogue, another Talmudic era Jewish town: Aziz as was preserved on an ancient stone placed in the entrance to the worship place.
Map showing King Herod's Kingdom, it was named Judea, inhabited by Jews who called themselves Israel in their religious acts, and contained parts of what's today southern syria, southern lebanon & transjordan.
Just some power levels scaling:
*syria: can't handle a few guys w pickup trucks & stolen basic weapons since 2011 even w hezbollah & iran's help (sans russia).
*Israel: IT'S OVER 9000!!!!1
*syria: can't handle a few guys w pickup trucks & stolen basic weapons since 2011 even w hezbollah & iran's help (sans russia).
*Israel: IT'S OVER 9000!!!!1
Resurrection 'F' (Dragon Ball Z + Dragon Ball Super) Power Levels List
Guarana's crew finds a Super Dragon Ball + reports back to Planet Frieza 17 (Dragon Ball Chou Manga Chapter 4) - Age 778 (while SSJ god Goku fights Beerus):


- Guarana (2nd strongest in Frieza's army next to Sorbet): 50,000
- Raspberry esque: 10,000
- Sui's race member: 9,000
- Appule's race soldier: 8,000
- Malaka's race bold member: 7,500
- Champa: 90,000,000,000,000
- Vados: 160,000,000,000,000
- Tagoma (shocked): 20,000
- Shisami (scared): 19,000
- Sorbet (tensed): 80,000
- 2 Bouncers: 6,000 (taller) & 5,000
- Goku (Super Sayian "god"): 6,000,000,000
- Beerus: 10,000,000,000

- Mecha-Frieza (trapped powerless in cocoon in "Earth's hell"): 500
- Earth's hell angels: ~200 each
- Sorbet's Frog "Subordinate": 7,500
- Sorbet's bouncers: 10,000 each
- Malaka's race doctor (manga): 400
- Common Frieza Soldiers: 800-1,500 (low levels, top are merely 2nd class)
- Frieza's "elites" (equipped with New Battle Armor model): 3,000 - 6,000
- Tagoma (upon Frieza's revival): 22,500
- Shisami (upon Frieza's revival): 21,500
- Sorbet (upon Frieza's revival): 84,000
- Pilaf: 20
- Mai: 15
- Shu: 10
- Shenron: 100,000,000
- Revived Mecha-Frieza (trying to unite his body in pieces): 10,000 drops to 160 while in pieces {evil ki sensed throughout the Earth}
- Frieza (1st form regenerated - "a bit rusty"): 490,000
- Gohan (slacked training): 25,000,000
- Videl (fell from her DBZ peak): 100
- Piccolo (out of shape): 450,000,000
- Baby Pan: 0.003
- Krillin (out of shape): 125,000,000
- 2 criminals: below 10 each
- Bulma: 14
- Dr. Brief: 8
- Android 18 (out of shape): 400,000,000
- Tien (out of shape): 100,000,000
- Chiaotzu (out of shape, Fukkatsu No 'F' manga only): 2,000,000
- Goku (starting his training under Whis): 70,000,000
- Vegeta (after 6 months of training with Whis): 1,000,000,000
- Whis: 150,000,000,000,000
- Beerus: 100,000,000,000,000
- Oracle Fish: 650
4 Months later - Frieza's invasion - Goku (after 4 months of training under Whis): 1,800,000,000
- Vegeta (after another 4 months of training under Whis): 1,750,000,000
- Master Roshi: 1,000
- Master Roshi (buffed): 10,000
- Jaco: 1,020
- Mr. Buu: 1,150,000,000
- Frog Subordinate (post 4 months of training): 17,500
- Sorbet's bouncers (post 4 months): 20,000
- 1000 Frieza soldiers Army: 1,000 (70% of total men) - 3,000 ("strongest"=30% of henchmen)
- Krillin (stunned by fear of Frieza - DBS ONLY): 2,000
- Krillin (reliefed after Tien saved him - DBS ONLY): 3,000
- Krillin fears Frieza's 16 men surrounding him in DBS: 2,100
- Frieza's pink bully soldier against Krillin: 3,000
- Krillin realizes Frieza's bully soldier is just a weakling in DBS: 6,000
- Krillin after Master Roshi explained him he's far stronger than Frieza's soldiers: 18,000 (DBS)
- Frieza's mercenaries (wearing new model battle armor in the RoF manga&movie): 5,000-10,000
- Krillin (supressed): 80,000
- Tien (supressed): 70,000
- Gohan (holds himself vs. Frieza's goons & Shisami): 170,000 -> 210,000
- Piccolo (supressed against the lackies & tired vs. Shisami in the movie): 240,000 -> 200,000
- Sorbet (post 4 months): 300,000
- Shisami (post training): 230,000 (less than the Ginyus' combined minimum of 268,500)
- Gohan starting to get serious vs. Shisami (threatens him to give up): 250,000
- Gohan's powering up against Shisami: 450,000 and rising (somehow kept his guard down)
- Tagoma's dirty blast: 500,000
- Shisami dying after Tagoma's sneak attack: 0.2 {also his power level after SSJ Gohan takes him out with one blow in the film}
- Gohan realizes he got hit too: 1,000 and drops quickly
- Tagoma (holds back while standing to be scanned by Sorbet's scouter): 350,000
- Gohan after his heart stopped beating: 0.3 [barely holds on till Piccolo's Kiai]
- Gohan after Senzu Bean: 30,000,000
- Tagoma (full power post training/"Body of Steel"): 700,000,000 - 900,000,000 tier
- Goten: 500,000
- Trunks: 550,000
- Piccolo (powered up to max): 500,000,000
- Piccolo (injured by Tagoma): 300,000,000
- Gohan's rescue ki blast: 600,000,000
- Piccolo (post Tagoma's attack - barely holds his own): 1,500,000
- Piccolo (after Senzu): 550,000,000
- Gotenks (SSJ): 950,000,000
Captain Ginyu's "revival": - Frog-Ginyu: 0.16
- Tagoma as a Namekian frog: 0.00004
- Ginyu in Tagoma's body (not accustomed): 800,000,000
- Ginyu-Tagoma attacks the Z-Fighters (post power up): 1,000,000,000
- Tien after Ginyu's assult: 15,000 [too brutal for him, barely holds on with the fight]
- Piccolo after Ginyu's attack: 1,000,000 [holds on, realizes Ginyu is stronger than Tagoma was]
- Master Roshi after Ginyu's attack: 700 [can't hold on, barely alive]
- Krillin after Ginyu's attack: 300,000 [takes less damage than the other humans]
- Gohan after Ginyu's attack: 1,100,000 [holds on, back to himself after breathing]
- Krillin after Senzu: 130,000,000
- Tien after Senzu: 120,000,000
- Kamesennin after Senzu: 1,500
- Master Roshi powers up to MAX to call Goku & Vegeta (RoF movie ONLY!): 100,000
- Gohan fighting Ginyu-Tagoma: 300,000,000 - 700,000,000 (taps into his "Mystic" form as he powers up w each pounch, yet his lack of training prevents him from unleashing his full power)
- Ginyu in Tagoma's body (accustomed): 1,080,000,000
- Gohan (back on his feet injured after Ginyu's attacks on him): 25,000,000
- Gohan (Super Sayian): 1,250,000,000
Frieza steps in: - Frieza (1st form post his "special" training): 1,500,000,000
- Frieza's barrage of Death Beams: 1,750,000,000 -> 1,900,000,000
- SSJ Gohan injured by Frieza's barrage of Death Beams: 1,000,000,000 -> 700,000,000
- Injured Gohan reverted back to normal: 14,000,000 and dropps
- Frieza's most powerful death beam (hits & kills Piccolo): 2,000,000,000
- Gohan charging up to max to call Goku & Vegeta from Beerus' Planet: 3,000,000,000 [erruption of anger]
- Gohan's body collapses: all the way to ~1
- Goku (Sayian Beyond "god" after training in "that place"): 2,500,000,000
- Vegeta (Sayian Beyond "god" after training in "that place"): 2,450,000,000
- Gohan after a 2nd Senzu Bean: 50,000,000
- Frieza in his final form: 2,400,000,000
- Goku as a Super Sayian god Super Sayian: 7,500,000,000
- Golden Frieza: 7,600,000,000
- Golden Frieza (stamina begins to fall): 7,400,000,000
- Golden Frieza (stamina dropping fast before Sorbet steps in): 6,500,000,000
- Goku after Sorbet's bad ring laser caught him off-gaurd: 3,000,000,000 and dropping fast to 800,000,000 due to Frieza's torturing him
- Goku after Senzu: 2,800,000,000
- Golden Frieza vs Vegeta: 6,250,000,000
- Vegeta as a Super Sayian god Super Sayian: 7,300,000,000
- Golden Frieza after Vegeta's 1st set of attacks: 5,800,000,000
- Golden Frieza's last stand: 4,320,000,000
- Frieza reverts back to his fourth form: 2,000,000,000 [powerless]
- Goku's conclusive Kamehameha: 8,000,000,000
- Frieza (back in hell - powerless in cocoon): 3,000
יום שישי, 15 באפריל 2016
Castle's "Death Wish"... Who the hell is writing this SHIT?!?!?!
WUT DAFAQ?! Watching Castle S08E17 where these morons say King Solomon's (a 10th Century BC person whose capital was in Jerusalem and ruled over Israel, Golan Heights + Bashan & Transjordan) tomb was "discovered by a tomb raider in the syrian-turkish border w aladdin's lamp in it" (cutting the arabian nights bullcrap, no Biblical Hebrew was said to visit nor to be burried there, besides the Bible makes it clear he was burried with his forefathers in a burrial cave in JLM).
UPDATE: they ended the episode with a made up jordanian royalty member who is said to be "governing the site & region"; which makes me wonder: do muricans really have no idea about geography, history nor who's who in this region?
UPDATE: they ended the episode with a made up jordanian royalty member who is said to be "governing the site & region"; which makes me wonder: do muricans really have no idea about geography, history nor who's who in this region?
Nathan Fillion & Stana Katic. WHO THE HELL IS WRITING THIS SHIT?!?!? According to Wikipedia: Stephanie Hicks, Directed by Bill Roe |
גן יבנה, ישראל
יום רביעי, 13 באפריל 2016
יום שבת, 9 באפריל 2016
יום שלישי, 5 באפריל 2016
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