יום שלישי, 8 במרץ 2016

I took some few hours off to draw my Dragon Ball Z movie fantasy: "Cold Blood Revenge"


I have started with this Jellow sketch, I intend him to be a major part in the revenge of the Cold family against the Z-Fighters. He may have a dull face which makes him looks goofy but he's one of the higher ranked fighters in the 2nd Stellar Region who will make this project even sweeter.
This is Risu, he's Sorbet's personal rival over the dominion of Frieza's Empire remains, and the leader of the 2nd Stellar Region, this is his battle ready form.

 These are Risu's 2nd rate elites, looking at him amazed &/with joy as he explains his plan of using Namek's Dragon Balls to resurrect King Cold & his two sons, Cooler & Frieza, who he think will be enough in their Golden Forms to defeat the Super Sayians and re-gain control over the 7th Universe.

 A sketch of Risu next to Jellow explaining his plan to use the Namekian Dragon Ball (the intell gathered on New Namek so far is projected) with clever tricks that are part of his henchmen's special abilities combined.

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