יום שישי, 6 באוקטובר 2017

I will never understand what were they thinking when they thought of merging Venom and Carnage to create this sketchy anime character...

It looks like a fucking "Imperialdramon Dragon Mode", for God's sake! One of Spider-Man Unlimited's shortcomings for sure as I see it now.

It'll be best to not re-do this stupid "Venom & Carnage Fusion" thingy IF the show will ever be redone/finished.
 It's simply bad. Idea wise: Not logical - it's stupid that they can merge by melting their skeletons into this; and design wise: It looks like a Digimon who walks on four, not to mention there are monstrous bones sticking out of their conjoined bodies, of whom? Brock's? Kasady?.

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