יום חמישי, 14 בנובמבר 2019

Niv Lugassi's Tree of Might Power Levels

After uploading to my Deviant Art account my 2013 piece about Turles' redesign, I found myself revisiting my old idea of how the Tree of Might plot could happen in Dragon Ball Z just after the Future Trunks Saga.

Design-wise: All the Z-Fighters' Kame Gi should have Master Roshi's Turtle School insignia on the front and King Kai's insignia on the back.

Artist: Niv Lugassi, November 14th, 2019. Ashdod, Israel.

Revisited in the following two days: 
Added dates to the plot (Aprill 1th, 13th and 14th of Age 765) and some minor details to the plot.

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